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Status Replies posted by shiftnative

  1. New, PROPER faction map in-the-works !

  2. elven lesbian on the loose in alras D

  3. The lag is so bad that I died by zombie in a split second... 24 hits in 2 seconds. Nice.

  4. Kinda depressed'ish and I don't know why =/

  5. We rank 25... We should be 1; and there's 600 people online. VOTE *BWAAAAARGGH http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft

  6. I need a purpose built stalkermobile so I can stalk Naitive without his beard detecting me.

  7. Why can't I make a application?

  8. Going to get a few hours of sleep and then crack Photoshop open again in the morning. Goodnight everyone!

  9. Looks like mobdesguise might be updated.. now back to that very important RP! *grins evily*

  10. Im going away a few days. Wont be able to logon on minecraft, nor the forums. Gonna miss you all. :)

  11. Not even gonna lie here a new Human nation is BS. We have too many nations. Our player base is too spread out. This kinda thing really makes me wanna leave some days... -.-

  12. Over this last month, I've been pursuing my uncontrollable desire to program with Java, specifically Bukkit Plugins. This is my passion!

  13. Anyone else have a problem getting onto the server? When I try, it says I am not authorized to be on. My app was apparently implemented, I know I'm posting alot but I'm just trying to fix my problem.

  14. I was accepted in January and I was just wondering when my app would be "Implemented"

  15. Back from an unplanned break, school switching was hecktic and left no time for LotC, I will be working on skins from now till when I'm done.

  16. Is wondering when Minecon packages will be dispatched, but, prefers his to be given to someone else :p

  17. Can't do much on MC with no mouse. Need to find a nice browser or droid Tower Defense game. Any suggestions?

  18. MIT appears that Native hasn't read the PM about the path to Fairfield... So going off that and the response to my last status update, I doubt he made it. Therefore, I'd like to dedicate THIS status update the mysterious GM/Admin who created the road, so thank you. It is greatly appreciated by myself and Fairfield. If you don't mind, I'd love to know who did make it so I can thank them personally.

  19. Goodnight, Lord of the Craft! I'll see you tomorrow afternoon! And this status is also for Native who made a road to Fairfield. Thanks!

  20. Browsed 9gag out of boredom and found what I believe is ShadowGun's show yourself pic......

  21. What does "walk the dinosaur" mean...

  22. What is Game of Thrones? Worth watching?

  23. Walked through Salvus, saw one person, walked through Renatus, saw no one, walked through the new Dwarven settlement, saw one person.... where is everyone hiding D: I just want to setup some trade.

  24. Walked through Salvus, saw one person, walked through Renatus, saw no one, walked through the new Dwarven settlement, saw one person.... where is everyone hiding D: I just want to setup some trade.

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