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Status Replies posted by shiftnative

  1. http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft Vote. We are #45 on Minestatus. Guys.....this is ridiculous. I remember when we were #1. Come on man.
  2. Buy TERA, or not to buy. That is the question.

  3. People seem to forget the good old fashion things in life, like grass. Is it so wrong to love grass?

  4. So I shall be whipping out my Lore Master First Executive Order Tuesday Afternoon

  5. Guys, we're 43. Seriously.

  6. Thinking of writing a new guide... I want it to be on something general, like my first two. Any suggestions? Preferably something that hasn't been covered before.

  7. I feel I would be a great GM just not much support...

  8. Nvm about being gone for a few days and testing Aether...wouldn't work.

  9. Sorry for being a bit rude/impatient to Native today, Please forgive me for earlier ;-;.

  10. hm... might spend tonight editing my sig and pic

  11. Anyone recomend a flash game I should play?

  12. Why am I a tree puncher...? Sounds rather unpleasant if you ask me ;) xD

  13. I never Got a Message for the validate stuff In my Hotmail Inbox :l

  14. Developing a LEGIT archer character. He's gonna be awful at the beginning, so I hope he'll make some good RP for us all.


  16. Being a guard is hard work, but it is rewarding in many ways!

  17. When I donated, I was under the assumption I would be able to set up a shop... What happened to this feature?

  18. how many characters can i have on one minecraft account ? or can i only have one due to there being the character card ?

  19. dammit why is the hunt for the White WOlf of Adyton over today! I just found out about it.....woulda been perfect for my rp. PERFECT I TELLZ YOU!!!

  20. Only 70 out of 250 online, and yet I can't log in because "user is not premium". Oh dear, how will I ever play during really busy hours?

  21. I Just downloaded Aegis!Lets go back to destroyed Winterfell!

  22. The ceremony for all the winners of my school's writing awards is tomorrow, and I'm excited to receive the poetry award. In honor of LotC, I think I'll write a poem for the server. Any suggestions?

  23. Anyone know of some good/fun plugins? o.o;

  24. I just want to take a second to thank everyone who is part of this server and does everything in their power to make it a fun experience. Ive only been on for a week now and I can say its been a great time!!!!

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