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Status Replies posted by shiftnative

  1. 'Nother straightener died... I need to find one that won't kill itself. P_P

  2. wait how do i apply?

  3. Drinking Chai Tea, making our RP Map, watching Blake Griffin be a beast

  4. Step aside. Urara's applying for Loremaster.

  5. Got my Minecon loooot~ I wub it

  6. Got my Minecon loooot~ I wub it

  7. Got my Minecon loooot~ I wub it

  8. Hi, I'm entitled to a Grass VIP because I referred my friend to the server. Should I wait a day to ask the Gm:s or...

  9. GOD WHY AM I COAL VIP?!! Someone save me from this hell!!!

  10. Got back from the worst migraine I've ever had. Knocked out cold for at least 6 hours...

  11. Guys... What should I do to help LotC more? O/_O

  12. Well, non-vips can't use passworded doors anymore =/

  13. Just burnt 18,000 diamonds. Some girls just wanna see the world burn, huh?

  14. Finaly accepted into lotc!!!! Can somone give me some help now on how I can get on

  15. Oh well, I think i PROBABLY did it but i hope its allright T.T i really want to join the server!

  16. We're testing Vaq's town plugin!

  17. I'd like to thank the majority of the LOTC community for making me feel like an old lady. XD The only one I've noticed who's actually older than me is shiftnative, who is 7 months older than me. XD

  18. Bought the "Low Rider" on ear headphones by Skull Candy. Uncomfortable, feel cheap, sound quality es poopy, anyone can hear what you are listening to. Getting 50/50

  19. I'm convinced that LOTC, needs less just run around bandit villians, and just a few guys who are sneaky, and don't make other peoples lives crap. =/

  20. Hello how are all of you.

  21. Is it possible to get rid of a bookshelf containing someone elses book?

  22. This event.. oh my. Easily LOTC's most grandious and insightful installment yet.

  23. huge event destination built and a voice acted video in the planning stages. This event will also be a quest any faction may partake in if they find the quest NPC.

  24. Question: If a Diamond VIP uses their plot to make a town, and they later lose said town through RP, can they revoke the plot form the town?

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