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Lawrence Berell

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Everything posted by Lawrence Berell

  1. Heeey. Could you send me a PM? I can't send one to you for some reason.

  2. The cat joke in his title is actually my doing. Look on his leaving thread, I raise the point there.

    I also ha- I mean, edited his profile to say that. n_n

  3. Graah... stupid internets cutting our Skype convo short q-q

  4. Thank you, LotC, for making my experience extremely meta'd. Big shout out to Ascella too n_n

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      It'z funny because Cataris was a green decaying husk with a huge scar. If any of them should have been meta'd it was you XD

    3. Brevias


      I have to go with Cat here, I was way to cleverly disguise to been revealed as Undead.

    4. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Except the time we smoked together. Man, I was so out of it I didn't even notice you was a skeleton... faced... person...


  5. ((You can't see the image... if you want, I can have a go for you))
  6. I like the bio, but the rest... For now, denied/
  7. ((Sometimes, I really cry about these things...))
  8. ((After the screenshot he showed me, so am I to be fair. Not to sound like you, but please, explain it.))
  9. ((xD And Sala, course I'll help :3. PM me what I need to do, what lore etc and I'll get it for you.))
  10. ((English brahs! Also, what fatty said. Sala should be getting one running soon [with my friendly pokes >:D] so ask if you can join once promoted. And visual, we need to meet up and discuss the things nessesery. Final note, I've now skrimped 4/5 plots for free :D))
  11. (Ah. Those one's on the main page are outdated >.< Ask Jexdane for the new ones.)) EDIT: And cos I'm smart, just clicky Jex's name to go to his profile n_n
  12. ((:3 I'll pop ingame so you can add me, then I'm playing some Crackdown 2))
  13. Oh yeah, you know that meeting? It's kinda postphoned, my character had a heart attack and stroke.

  14. ((Yeah, I would think so. Wait until you're recruited though. Otherwise, not much point in sending in the mini-app, it'd be denied right off))
  15. ((Mahiro, make me a plot owner >.< Even though I've had a stroke, I still need dem owner perms))
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