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Lawrence Berell

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Everything posted by Lawrence Berell

  1. lolz u leave nao n00b

  2. Thank you for all the people spamming me (Thu'um) about my post count ;)

  3. *runs in, sparkling all over the place*

  4. If building with ice, you don't want to put /any/ lightsource down nearby. I believe they all have a similar, if not the same, effect. Actually, I think redstone torches don't melt anything, put those near the ice?
  5. I read a few pages back that you needed snow? Send me a PM, I have too much, unless you want to dig it up RPly.
  6. Of course I sparkle... with my victims blood in the candlelight >:I

    I am offended you would think me a twihard. 3

  7. Thanks love~

    I gave up cannibalism a long time ago though now. Drinking blood is much more fun!

  8. Want some friendly advice? Never leave your kindle alone where other year 11s can get to it. I did this, and now have to live with the adult content downloaded.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Coconuta


      PM me the content <3

    3. Lym


      Kindle <3

      Got one fur mah burfday :3

    4. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Simon, you don't understand .w.

      My parents get an email whenever something is downloaded.

  9. The scores of dead we have left in our path through history may not agree with us on many things, but this I feel even they would think a worthy addition to our ranks. While the council deliberates, I can only offer this to you, young hopeful... You have my blessing.
  10. That moment when you have to get out of bed for exams.

    1. Thork Halblood
    2. Goliath


      Same :( 'toopid English and Business

    3. Aryon



  11. Hey bro, d'yeh have a Skype or something?

  12. That feeling when two app team members and someone random steal your tree.

    1. ScreamingDingo


      I dibs the tree first >.>

    2. Mystery


      I am planting a new one. Then I can creep twice as hard :D

  13. Yay! What time'd that be?

  14. *leaves the customary oink comment which seems so popular*

  15. You hath been selected for stalking.

  16. ((Hee hee, I was in this all along and I never realised. Dayum.))
  17. The word is given. I shall stalk this Urara until she gives me what I want.

    A sexy pic like yours. n_n

  18. That picture is awesome! Too bad Romalna was /forced/ to leave you D:

    She loved you really~

  19. -fangirls over avatar-

    Who made that?

  20. Where'd you go? D:

    /seen mezua= a few months D:

  21. I'm back once again to wreak havoc upon ye forums.

  22. Never, ever click a link from Cataris again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danic


      No, you WILL go click another Link.

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      ... This intrigues me

    4. Rhisereld


      You clicked one of Cataris' links? Pfft. Sissy.

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