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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by craotor

  1. What is this Old Hat stuff?

  2. *sniff* fish died after two hours of my buying it...

  3. *thinks that the title colors of the VAT and old hats should be swapped so that the colors more accurately represent the titles and so the member list isn't cluttered with crimson to such an extreme.

  4. I'm an old hat .w.

  5. I'm an old hat .w.

  6. Just found out my wife is pregnant with our first kid! AWESOME! :o)

  7. What is this Old Hat stuff?

  8. realy want to be whitelisted cant wait hope i get picked

  9. realy want to be whitelisted cant wait hope i get picked

  10. Made a 30 on my test. Out of 125. feeling pretty stupid right now....

  11. Hrm. I'm bored. Entertain me.

  12. Interesting to figure out: What are the last three books you have read?:

  13. My dad deleted my Loremaster App on accident while messing around on my comp... <.>

  14. Turns out my friend I knew since I was a little kid also plays on this server for a long time and we never knew about one another playing or ever met each other. It just shows you how massive the Lotc community is.

  15. Just learned that a member is spending their daily quota of -1s on me....:/

  16. Just ordered Medevil II total war gold editing, with one day shipping from amazon. =D

  17. Just ordered Medevil II total war gold editing, with one day shipping from amazon. =D

  18. Just killed a blaze... yup. No blaze rod. Is it actually possible for anyone to make potions?

  19. Just killed a blaze... yup. No blaze rod. Is it actually possible for anyone to make potions?

  20. Hey, all. This will probably be the last time I log in to this account, so I'll make things brief. That extended break I'm taking? Yeah, I'm making it permanent. I've been mulling it over for a month now and I've decided. For those of you who RPed with me, thanks for the fun. But I just don't think I can muster up the will to come back to this server. So, to all the roleplayers I've loved here, thanks. And goodbye.

  21. Hey, all. This will probably be the last time I log in to this account, so I'll make things brief. That extended break I'm taking? Yeah, I'm making it permanent. I've been mulling it over for a month now and I've decided. For those of you who RPed with me, thanks for the fun. But I just don't think I can muster up the will to come back to this server. So, to all the roleplayers I've loved here, thanks. And goodbye.

  22. Wait. What does a mina even look like. Is it a coin or is it something else?

  23. Wait. What does a mina even look like. Is it a coin or is it something else?

  24. I wish their were pirates on Lord of the Craft.

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