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Status Updates posted by Dyn

  1. I missed you

  2. I wish I had a minecraft skin poser so I could pose Sabastion and Xero together

    1. Lirinya


      Use Novaskin ^_^;

    2. Dyn


      Thanks, I think I'll try it.

  3. I'll see about it .w.

  4. I'm gonna be gone from today (Sunday) to thursday. Going to Boston

  5. I'm kind of not completely pissed about the server crash this time...

    1. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    2. Dyn


      It's still not up...

  6. I'm not actually sure if I really want to make Xero a murderous vigilante. I know that it would make it easier but then his morals would just be gone, undoing so much I have established him as.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trouvo


      what moo said

    3. Eleatic


      Make him EVIL SO SO EVIL :P

    4. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Do something that makes him hate Jullius less.

  7. I'm relying on CowsGoMoo (Winston) to help me get back in minecraft...I'm screwed

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. CowsGoMoo


      . . . Crap. .m.;;

      No rose day for Susie then..

      She'll be alone.. sad... and missing almost all of her body parts. Yep..

    3. Dyn


      I'm going to get a damn rose for susie somehow! And also, stop losing your body parts! How are you even losing them!?

    4. CowsGoMoo


      -Points at Dareth-

      He... He took 'em. Although, I don't know he did.. .m.;;

  8. If you think it is useful, go ahead. I'll add you.

  9. It appears that I have caught sickness.

  10. It seems the force of me hugging Sen crashed the server. Sorry everyone. Even still, it's Liri's fault.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog


      *explosion of server*

  11. Jpiroden, I can't log in because I CAN'T downgrade. I'm a mac.

  12. Just slit and orc's throat. He asked for death, I supplied. The irony was this. I was playing as a fourteen year old.

    1. Aryon


      Erm...Isn't that a bit...Power-Gamey?

    2. higgsyy


      no i was the orc trust me it wasnt powergaming.

      He is perma ded

    3. Dyn


      I never kill anyone unless they ask to be killed. There was a duel, I won, he asked for death, I granted him the request.

  13. Liri broke the server?

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Lirinya is the only one we should, can, and will blame.

    2. ScreamingDingo


      *points at Lirinya*


    3. legoman144


      Damn it Liri not again!

  14. LLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIII! Stop trolling da server.

    1. Scarlet Kaiser
    2. Dyn
    3. Angel~


      -see's liri playing with the controller of the server- -grabs spoon- BAD LIRI BAD :<

  15. Love you Native~

  16. Magic? Nah. Royalty? Nah. Cookies? You better give me all you got.

    1. Xerxes_XIII 2

      Xerxes_XIII 2

      *pelts Demon with cookies.

    2. Dyn


      I feel loved.

    3. Xerxes_XIII 2

      Xerxes_XIII 2

      *lied, they were evil bomb cookies.

  17. Meh. Arguing about how the magic system should be ran when I don't even support magic in general. Like a baws.

  18. My new name: Mr. Throat Cancer

  19. My new siggy :D

  20. News are in and... I HAVE BLUE HAIR

  21. No matter what... When Sabastion tries to help someone, someone else gets hurt.

  22. No Skippy, I will not buy your girl scout cookies.

    1. Waverly Antoinette

      Waverly Antoinette

      Do they come in vanilla? What do you mean cookies don't come in that flavour?!

    2. Dyn
  23. Of course, OF ALL TIMES TO CRASH

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