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Everything posted by Aryon

  1. My ads on the forums are...Interesting, to say the least.

    1. gingernut97



  2. Well that hurt.

  3. You saw nothing.

  4. You're a peasant. I am the new King of Oren. Bow down to me, peasant.

  5. Obviously Alec broke it. Horrible coders, these new ones are.

    1. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      I still blame Liri.

  6. -grips his AT greatsword firmly-

  7. Aryon

    Mayn, why'd you delete me D:

  8. So the ban hammer item actually does ban you. ;-;

    1. Lirinya


      You should believe us.

    2. Cappy


      You're welcome.

  9. Alec, I loved this chat on Irzir's, and I love it here. Well done.

  10. And now school calls. I suddenly feel sick.

    1. Rom


      I know the feeling man.

  11. It's sunny. Again. Damnit Australia!

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      it's like 40 degrees here in New York. I should mention it's also snowing.

  12. [ Now I feel like an idiot. Thanks for that, guys :3 ]
  13. Isn't Kamakura in the Ranger Apprentice series?
  14. Day 4 of being mature in App Team Skype Chat: Syrenne came in, and it all fell apart.

    1. Taiga


      Wat. No. Impossible.

  15. Bored, Skype is inactive, got nothing to do. Got homework due tomorrow I haven't done. The solution is simple; Go outside and play basketball.

  16. So uh, what's this about Fjaifdhioajfiosahgioh going away?

  17. Pfft, Amnesia isn't even that sca- OH DEAR GOD

  18. Hey Stronghold, congrats on the new position. But just a suggestion - Hold training sessions once every 1-2 weeks, make sure to keep the army & guards active with things to do. Give them some fun RP opportunities every now and then, or the guard won't go anywhere. Just keep them entertained, and you'll do your job fine ^_^

  19. Brilliant Breezer?

  20. Brilliant Breezer?

  21. Heard the endermen scream, threw my computer at the wall. Best $1,300 ever spent.

    1. Bawg


      I want to hear it. ;~;...

    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *makes enderman scream*

      there you heard it. Enjoy the


  22. Alright, I demand a Forum Group "Kangaroo Kicker". Germans can have the group "Nazi" Scots "Barbarians" etc

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Beneh


      Scots as " Barbarians "

      Choose your enemies wisely , Aryon...

    3. Aryon


      Maple Terrorists, may god have mercy on us all. And sorry about the Nazi thing >.< Didn't mean it Lym.

    4. IrishPerson


      Irish as Drunks!

  23. So uh, why are all the groups British? "Total Tophat" "Old Hat" I demand a "Burning BBQ"

    1. Volutional


      I don't know how Tophat and Old Hat relate to Britain in it's current form. You silly toaster.

    2. Cappy


      "Kangaroo Kicker"

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