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Everything posted by Aryon

  1. http://gyazo.com/c85661a8a036ba61e5b13af2d00f7a0b - A thousand internets for whoever can guess what this is!
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      @Ginger. You might want to look up the definition of 'owo' on the Urban Dictionary. You will notice, that you are pretty far off. XD


      Oh. And I take my win in one internet notes. I'm gonna go Scrooge McDuck on my prize.

    3. gingernut97


      ^ Thats the joke :3 (irony is funny amiright?)

    4. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Really aryon....really???

  2. How are you mayn D:

  3. Changed my avatar, happy FM team?

    1. Akorta



    2. everblue2er101


      . . . Now how will I know it's you?

    3. steelersfan1221
  4. Word on the street is that you dislike my avatar.

  5. Uh, what Ever said.

  6. Okay VAT. For a few months, the VA forum hasn't gone over 3 pages. This will end in the next week. Goodluck :3

    1. Arkelos


      Challenge accepted.

    2. Rissing


      Isn't that a good thing ?

      IS there anywhere a post stating why exactly we have to rewrite our VAs ?

      In my case over 45.000 words.

  7. I'm going to make a VAT application to make you all be quiet, and just copy / pasta your app.

    1. steelersfan1221


      Don't you have a VAT app?

  8. If I'm going to be re-writing a VA for the Purge, may aswell make another character!

  9. VAT, I would like to apologize for b*tching about how the VA is too hard. I realise that it actually is well done, and I'm sorry for being a prick. :3

  10. Getting off the topic of VA purge, I won my basketball game yesterday. Anyone interesting...? No? Pfft, you drama queens. :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lym


      I am interested in everything you do, dear.

    3. Aryon


      I am getting excited, Boombox.

    4. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      Ill send you a picture of me in mah sexy clothes Matt ;) then you can stare at it all you want

  11. The VAT are going to have to obtain riot shields to protect themselves from this rage.

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      nah, just some ductape or earplugs :P

  12. So uh, does MC work on Windows 8?

    1. Haelphon


      Don't upgrade.

    2. Eleatic


      Yes, it does. I use it normally. But fuqxing windows 8, /cry.

    3. Eleatic


      Yes, it does. I use it normally. But fuqxing windows 8, /cry.

  13. Aryon

    Pfft, poor little Lymdil >:3

  14. Does MineCraft work on Windows 8?

    1. gingernut97


      Doubt it, read some of Notch's tweets or on his blog Word of Notch for info.

    2. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      -facedesk 5 billion times- Notch. Does. Not. Work. On Minecraft. ANYMORE!. It has been a year damn it!...anyway. Try sending tweets to Jeb or Dinner bone. I believe dinnerbone has a higher chance at replying.

  15. Aryon

    You bring a whole new meaning to the world "Special" Lym. You really do.

  16. My packet is good. I am a god.

    1. Lym


      The World God Only Knows

  17. Aryon

    Your reasons confuse the most intelligent of us, Lym.

  18. Nope, you just bully me.

  19. Yay, got in the requests of Urara! I'm sure you'll do an amazing job with the art, Urara!

    1. EboBren'


      *grumbles to himself* Lucky...

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