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Status Replies posted by Jarkarll

  1. Panda is having one of those times where she just can't RP... T_T

  2. dem doggies

  3. Why there no Forum Title for people that have been around for awhile? :/

  4. I'm now showing myself on my profile. Oh gawd.

  5. Still need dat skin ~

  6. Getting married a month from today!!! Hurrayyy!! :D

  7. That feel when you haven't had rp in forever and it is finally coming back!

  8. Oh yes, this Avatar will do nicely.

  9. Ha, Uruks be lurkin'

  10. . . I am being warclaimed with the reason "It will be a good naval base" It is covered in the "We march" War claim .. This feels like abuse of powers to me. .

  11. . . I am being warclaimed with the reason "It will be a good naval base" It is covered in the "We march" War claim .. This feels like abuse of powers to me. .

  12. . . I am being warclaimed with the reason "It will be a good naval base" It is covered in the "We march" War claim .. This feels like abuse of powers to me. .

  13. . . I am being warclaimed with the reason "It will be a good naval base" It is covered in the "We march" War claim .. This feels like abuse of powers to me. .

  14. . . I am being warclaimed with the reason "It will be a good naval base" It is covered in the "We march" War claim .. This feels like abuse of powers to me. .

  15. . . I am being warclaimed with the reason "It will be a good naval base" It is covered in the "We march" War claim .. This feels like abuse of powers to me. .

  16. #Powerhungry

  17. Should I see Avengers in 3D or regular?

  18. hf akh kjasgas sag fkgf hjhasbvh

  19. This is sounding more like, a zombie apocalypse than a plague by the minute

  20. The Crimison Pirates now own the ship the dwarves brought to Asulon from the Portal "The Wrench" Still building the Compass Rose

  21. I must say, Dez's plague really stirred up some roleplay.

  22. All I can say right now is that I'm very remorseful concerning what I did. Also, I apologize for how abruptly in the IC sense that I was removed. I will make an appeal next saturday or sunday, I think, but I've a feeling it won't be accepted. If it gets denies, I won't complain; it's the consequences of my actions.

  23. Kinda ironic how the VA team group is bright blue, and the normal application team is dark sinister red. lol.

  24. Did anybody ever RP as Krug, Malin, Urguan and Horen?

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