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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. Another crash?

  2. What is a "Fancy Fedora"? Seems like a random group to me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bungo


      It's a legitimate group such as the Old Hat. It's an improvement to the Old Hat group.

    3. argonian


      How do you become on then? How many posts?

    4. Kye


      I saw this in a recent statues update you need to have a required amount of posts as well as been apart the Community for a good amount of time.

  3. Crashed in the middle of RP..

  4. I'm heading off to Vaq's house to riot. Anyone care to join?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Lemme sharpen da pitchfork

    3. argonian


      If I get a hold of him, he'll wake up in a cage with a computer. I'll whip him periodically and tell him to fix the server.

    4. Αμφίονας


      Wait a minute I need to roleplay.

      Oh... Oohhh. -_-

  5. My can of coke was full and then it got empty somehow.......ALIENS!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danic


      They have a secret base in the back of your mouth

    3. xmrsmoothx


      Can't explain that

    4. Benedick Irontounge

      Benedick Irontounge

      *burps* "yeh... definitely aliens!"

  6. I'm off to hit a guy in the head with my hurley for changing Paddy's day to "O'Green day"

    1. Jingeh


      Give 'em a belt wit yer Sliotar for me as well, Will ya?

    2. argonian


      I'll teach him how to play hurling my way.

  7. Did that song I sent you make you deaf yet?

  8. Even your status was deleted...this is suspicious.

  9. ...Can he still fit inside the doorway?...

  10. How did you fit down that much pork?! *is assuming there was a lot*

  11. Refresh in MC again and again and again and...

  12. Robin shaved his beard, RIP.

  13. Chunk corruption in Galahar, again.

    1. argonian


      The new map can't come soon enough. I'm tired of this corruption

  14. Has anyone else had that moment when someone's laugh is funnier than the joke?

    1. Arkelos
    2. KarmaDelta


      Should be scream with Pigmen involved ;) *coughvardakcough

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