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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Leric

  1. xd

    1. TeaLulu


      get outta hurrrrrrrr.

    2. Leric


      mother lulu you need to GET OUT of HUR

  2. A server restart that didn't restart. Nice.

  3. All I want.... is ten double chests of logs.

  4. Capra Demon? More like Cap-a Demon! ahahaha oh man.

    1. Kickstarted and Running
    2. BrandNewKitten



      Illuminati confirmed

  5. Does anybody have Angelic woodworking yet?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      I think you can make some kickass bows with woodworking.

    3. HuskyPuppy
    4. J


      Well if someone sold me flint > - >

  6. Great event, thanks to Husky, Gigarun, and Patato. Thanks for the revive Gigarun

    1. Rael


      no, thank you leric treasery

    2. HuskyPuppy


      D'awh, thanks guys <3

  7. Haven't been able to connect all day, time to play some league. Got dat diamond 1 lyfe

  8. I guess... I might aswell bring this bad boy out http://gyazo.com/1ec016b1419a5c2bbd47c8296c4844d6

    1. Guest


      omfg leric u make me so hard

    2. J


      I will offer you... slaves and 50k mina. Going once, going twice, sold out of love~?

      .. That's an awesome bow though o.o

  9. I was just messing with commands... did not mean to do that.

  10. I will never type /dev again. I swear

  11. It's happening.

  12. Need 20 more double chests of logs until I can Angelic woodworking. Woo

  13. Tbh I only spammed arrows.

  14. Wasn't me this time

  15. What have I done...

  16. When the server crash eats your 62% sword. Rip.

  17. Woo. Six hour lockdown at school. I was stuck in the gym in my PE clothes, left with playing dodgeball or basketball for the whole time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dougstalicious


      what did you steal

    3. Leric


      Nothing. Police aren't releasing details of why they did it.

    4. Stevie


      leric shut up omg

  18. Woops! I was just messing with commands

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