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Song Druid

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Status Updates posted by Song Druid

  1. ....I miss you :(

  2. ....Is furious. Just might commit animal cruelty. Tries to go to sleep, but overwhelming nauseating stench coming from under my bed encourages me to check, and find that my new puppy has deemed it prudent to choose under my bed as her new bathroom. After spending an hour scrubbing, cleaning, showering, and Febrezing...I can't go to sleep. I'm afraid I'll smell it again. I AM SO ANGRY. Don't break any forum rules today, anyone. Imma cruisin.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Crow (Denivire)

      Crow (Denivire)

      *starts posting in ban reports that don't affiliate with himself and laughs maniacally whilst doing so*

    3. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      *Just bans Crow, doesn't care if srs or not*

    4. Timayame


      LOL SO MAD HE ACTUALLY USED "srs" LAWLLLLL... Oh Jamie this is why goldfish are better pets.

  3. ...Orientation...saegl;kasgdl;;asdg

    1. danic


      I shall name you.... Fleygis....rjjenfj/:;,!4

  4. " His fate could also be left in the hands of the ENTIRE, non-banned, population of LotC, therefore making this decision completely unbiased, as it will be the overall opinion of everyone who calls this server home." This is literally bias....lol. This made me giggle.

  5. "Adblock? Forever Alone" lulz

    1. Lykos


      better than "die in a fire"

  6. "First"ers beware, Arik is deleting your posts every time you post "First" on something. Well, other than this status I mean :>

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      It's not necessarily bad. It in no way harms anyone or anything.

    3. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Are you calling me silly Pip?


      I consider it spam and it's against the rules to spam. But then again, I'm German. What do I know about things being funny.

    4. Secret Lizard President
  7. "for those curious: I posted something extremely relevant to a ban report, but, because I someone didn't write "ever" they felt is was 1005 necessary to give me a 30% warn status."

  8. "If you can't take me seriously please butt out with stupid comments you are ignorant of. "

    I apologize for how this came across. Your post seemed directly antagonistic and seemed to undermine simple moderating. Clearly a miscommunication, again I'm sorry.

  9. "It's not like Arik could easily access the server ban section, show the player some proof so he could write a proper appeal without having to defend himself against "baseless" claims either."

    If you can't take me seriously please butt out with stupid comments you are ignorant of.

  10. "Look, look with your special eyes." "MY BRAND"

  11. "My glutious maximus...is the maximum." - Timayame, 3 seconds ago

  12. "Surely cataris is inline for a free cup of coffee or something with the amount of times he's come and gone he's our most long standing repeat nuisance" This made my day.

  13. ***** as Folk is amazing....:3

  14. ***** as folk, look it up, my young protige ;) :3

  15. ***** as Folk. Best Series Ever. Umad Straight people?

    1. danic


      Iunno... Let's see. *Taps on nearest mans shoulder* excuse me, are you mad? *is punched in face* A simple 'yes' would have been satisfying....

  16. *Adds DDOSers as a friend

  17. *cracks knuckles* Well, it's time to get down to biddness.

  18. *cries because Freya hasn't opened his Novella pm yet*

    1. Sinstrite


      Probably busy reading the overdone story SB wrote :p

  19. *Feels like his will was utterly broken...

    1. Religious_Pie


      Did Neko get you?

    2. NekoDanie


      Why is it automatically my fault!

    3. danic


      Because Neko; it's always your fault;3 Dun worreh, Urikie, it'll all be better, I still wub you<3

  20. *flexes his arm* Increase my warn status for quoting a rule? Come at me bro.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lym


      Nope, Chuck Tes- hmmm, doesn't fit. I know Arik has a FM application but by creating more work for us he won't reach his goal faster :/

    3. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      I like to think I make things easier; even when you don't see it! :3

    4. Lym


      Just don't do it again ;]

  21. *Reprimands player on stupid status. *Player rages with comment. *Comments at player making explanation. *player deletes comment so others can't see. Problem, forums? Loooool!

  22. *Sees main page update from Vaq saying status images are 100% accurate. *Minecraft shows server down. *Narrows eyes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. meg


      I'm laughing so hard right now.

    3. Slic3man


      Not sure if Vaq trolling

      or just extremely ironic


    4. Song Druid
  23. *Shifts his weight uncomfortably*

  24. *Snugglez Auvreh*

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