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Status Replies posted by Bircalin

  1. Welp, did what I had to do. And now I have new shoes and food, thanks to me madre.

  2. Art course work! What a wonder :3


  4. My eyes....they burn....*reaches for xbox* can't bring myself to turn it off...

  5. ...Gotta go... do..this... thing now. *sigh. Bad feeling is bad.

  6. I bet someone will make a app saying - My parents where killed by cats, Now :3

  7. Bog and I are having a DJ-off. Come join in the Creative Café channel!

  8. How much years did the war with the Undead last?

  9. Can a GM or Admin make a Kharajyr charter sub forum soon please?

  10. So I got evicted carrying only my gold collection and several stacks of cookies... *twiddles thumbs*

  11. another boring day ...

  12. Just got super-trolled..............

  13. Possible movie night tonight or tomorrow night. Who's interested?

  14. This just in! Today blows!

  15. Dat time when you comment on nigh-on everything possible..

  16. boring homework is boring :I

  17. boring homework is boring :I

  18. Don't blame it on the sunshine! Don't blame it on the moonlight! Don't blame it on the good times,

  19. Advertising applications... I can see the upsides to it: People who wouldn't ever know you had a VA is able to referance it if they can. Downsides: It looks rude or even desperate. So how do you inform people that you RP with a lot that you have a VA without sounding that way? o.0

  20. All this stress, I'm going to go cut myself...

  21. just killed off my char!

  22. They may take our lives. But they'll never take our freedom.

  23. About to Plan an Essay.. Fun fun fun

  24. Need something to do. Entertain me, forums

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