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Status Replies posted by Bircalin

  1. Hey guys, I'm gonna be gone for the next 5 days or so, I need to think about some things before I can play LoTC unaffected by IRL events.

  2. 2Ban reports. 2 times vomitting. It's 2am. I'm not having a good day...

  3. Yay, thunder and lighting... Plz don't turn off my powers T.T

  4. Home sweet home...

  5. Guess who kille Lucas Black? THIS GUY! Aww yeah... Props to Hanseti who tricked him into thinking he was defending the Maw with them. Fun RP Susitsu

  6. Spring break. Ninjaing on LOTC... also, hiatus until further notice. ;-;

  7. So, i am going to probably use my storyboarding coursework to make a storyboard for a lotc promo video. It will probably take place at the temple and feature the monks and a person who has just entered the world.

  8. *Cries* I don't want to go to work. Today will be a pain and im sleepy D:

  9. After going on another server, I realized just how friendly our community is. #lotc

  10. GM app posted. And so, the prey waits patiently.

  11. Went on a 30 minute killing spree on Red Dead Redemption~

  12. Thank you Haelphon for getting LoTC a contract with machinima! Give him some credit guys!

  13. Thank you Haelphon for getting LoTC a contract with machinima! Give him some credit guys!

  14. What if sloth people where a race option? .-.

  15. Recently obsessed with Mori, GOD HELP ME!

  16. I need to make food... only thing I have had to eat in 2 days was one pizza... May go make pasta if there is any left.


  18. Needs to make a new signiature...and needs to do modwork....Uni work y u no go away *sits in her LOTC jumper and works*

  19. No school, meds are making me vomit... Feel awful

  20. Goodbye everybody I love you all

  21. I'm repeating myself because the status went away, because I need answers, (I'm sorry if it's not aloud because I've never been here before) But to summarize my brother Jake Tyler Sullivan (Mithas/Jakiesan) was frequently bullied to the point where he overdosed on antidepressants, doctors don't think he will make it to be frank, and I'm extremely pissed, he's been in and out of consciousness and begged me to tell you guys about this on his hospital bed

  22. "Mass Effect 3" Update on fight. "Earth is 75% taken by Reapers. Palavan the Turians home world about 35-50% taken. Everyone in fear and looking out just for themselves. Yet we continue to fight."

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