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Status Replies posted by Bircalin

  1. Laughing so hard I cannot breathe

  2. I'm tired of this. I'm leaving Lord Of The Craft.

  3. Off to the Gym~

  4. I'm tired of this. I'm leaving Lord Of The Craft.

  5. Implemented 16 apps today, leik a baws

  6. What's a Blood Mage? I see people talking about it everywhere but I see no lore on it :/

  7. If I get my guild mansion and IF we get sieged... My character is so going to go down like Scarface :3 *Soldiers burst through door* *Lysle walks down staricase with bow n arrow in hand* "So you cockroaches want to play tough!?"

  8. Banning Dem Brazilians...

  9. I think certain people should invest in a printer. That way precious books don't get carelessly discarded and lost ;3

  10. Open the door.

  11. I sometimes read the ban report section for the same reason that other people watch judge judy. Does this make me a bad person?

  12. My last comment on my profile was yesterday. I am dissapoint.

  13. Just found out me and Aryon go to the same school. *official besties*

  14. I so want a Rohan-style Town.

  15. Things in the Mori are finally picking up!

  16. Things in the Mori are finally picking up!

  17. Is it just me or does /setbio and /addbio still not work?

  18. Have a Fisic test tomorow.The subject is so easy that i slept through 3/4 of the class woke up and did the hardest exerciae the teacher had lol

  19. I just realized Mezua is Auzem backward... I feel quite slow now...

  20. Most relaxing night I have had in ages. Thanks Freya for playing all that great music.

  21. Have a Fisic test tomorow.The subject is so easy that i slept through 3/4 of the class woke up and did the hardest exerciae the teacher had lol

  22. Dear TS, Everytime someone in the main channel posts something I, and everyone else, has to drop whatever we're doing and check what we think is a private message and for as long as the posts continue we have to check every single time we here that delightful "Ding!" to make sure it's not something actually important. It's annoying as hell.

  23. Yaay, finally found someone to RP as Little_Maeghan~ Also watching The Walking Dead. . . I love that show ^-^

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