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Mana sharing - Introducton

The magic in question is a special, rare form of magic that has not been discovered as of yet. It is the distribution of mana between two or more people, up to a cap both ways. If too much is given, a man shall die. If too much is recieved, a man shall etherealize. Mana sharing is a very dangerous art, there always being a constant threat of losing control.

In basic, Mana sharing is the art of sharing one's mana with another, the stronger mana holder being the one in control of the mana flow. This means if you distribute enough of your energy to another and they become more powerful than you with this artificial energy, then the one who has it distributed to becomes in control.


Etherealization: When a magic users' limit of potential mana possible for them to be held, they are completely saturated with energy, and they begin, in a literal sense, to pop.

Visual effects of Etherealization: A small sign upon the nearing of Etherealisation is that blisters shall begin to fill up and pop. Continuing from this, if the magic continues being pushed in in, a blue glow will begin to emulate from the eyes and skin of the reciever, followed shortly by some portions of skin beginning to peel backwards. The last stage of the transition is that all the skin of the magic user will burst outwards in all directions, and for a few seconds, a pure essence of mana will be visible, a pure mass of mana moulded in humanoid form, before it vapourizes all insides of the man, and goes out with a volatile explosion, varying in size depending on the mana left inside the mage.

The maximum cap for mana able to be held before Etherealization is 1.5x

While in the brief state of Etherealization, your mana pops, meaning you can cast spells of 2x your normal power (Given your supplier or suppliers can give you that much mana).

Now, being etherealized is not death. It is destruction of the soul, meaning that it is not healable by the monks. One who has their soul destroyed cannot be revived. If you make the descision to etherealize, you permakill.

(This means it shall require ooc consent if you are forcing somebody to etherealize IC.

It could be said 2x is a lot of mana to be held, even for somebody being etherealized, but permakilling is quite the act of dedication to a storyline, so I decided to keep it, for people who want to do a 'dying spell' and other acts of last roleplay which could be touching.

(Also, that is not to mention that you must be an experienced magic user if you going to cast a spell in the brief time you have, WITH whatever insane thoughts must be running through your head while it is happening.)

A mana user cannot stay ethereal forever if he does not use his mana. The mana given by manasharing is not safe or passive enough for that. Instead, because it no longer has a container, it remains in shape for a small amount of time, before diffusing in the air. The diffusion is the explosion, which varies depending both on initial power of the mage, and if they have casted any spells while Ethereal.

How it works.

First, the one who is giving the mana must have a full understanding of how this magic works, and proficient training. However, the one receiving does not need to understand what is happening, and if they have no prior knowledge of this magic, they will tend to only have a basic instinctive knowledge of what is happening.

The mana sharing must be done on body contact, unless it is travelling through an evocated material: Explanation below.

When somebody conjures an element in evocation, they are fabricating the element as their imagination first, inside the void. Then they push their fabrication into the real world, and sustain this with their mana. If skilled in the art of mana sharing, one can not only hold their evocated material up using their mana, but impart excesses of mana into their evocated material, and transfer this excess mana as you would with traditional mana sharing. If somebody chooses to resist when you are doing mana sharing at a range, it is near impossible to win due to the difficulty of maintaining all things going on.

To transfer your mana through an evocated material is difficult, and mana is lost along the way through diffusion, the amount ranging from 20% lost at around a meters' length, and 50% lost at 2 1/2 meters length, so on.

Mana sharing in its' essence, is pushing your mana out of your own body, through hard and gritty mental training. You then push it into another's body, and they can choose to resist or accept the mana. If they decide they wish to reject it, then it becomes a battle of sorts. The mana giver pits his mana against the other, and if his is more powerful, his own shall begin to seep into the body of the reciever, speeding up and the rate of giving becoming harder to control as you give more. As you give more, it becomes harder to control, and begins to instead surge out of your own being, untempered. How much you are able to control this will be directly relative to how skilled you are with mana sharing. The whole time of giving mana, the reciever may choose to resist, and also use the mana given to him as aid for this. When resisting, it is mentally and physically exhausting, but it does not dissipate/use your mana up.

Mana sharing's potency is directly related on the skill of the user. When a beginner attempts to share, his rate of sharing shall be so low it will be almost unnoticeable, and he will also not have much control over his rate of flow, being unskilled. An expert/Master will have a much higher rate, up to 0.7x, and he will have more control. 0.7x is almost impossible for a master to control. A safe amount for a master is 0.5x, which can be defined as 'a steady flow', or similar terms.

If enough mana is given, making the reciever more potent than the giver, the resistor may be able stop your flow of mana, and push your mana away from him. This is done with instinct, though, not a trained skill. When pushed out, the givers' mana simply seperates from the reciever once more, as it would if the giver had decided to stop giving mana.

If the user decides to accept the mana, then it simply begins to enter normally, and is easier to control for the giver.

If somebody attempts to push mana into a man who has never used magic in his lifetime, there will be no visible result. The man's mana is dormant, and so does not absorb the extra mana. Instead, it would likely be the same result as if you had decided to try and share mana with thin air.

Traits one will need in order to learn this magic.

  • You must be prepared to roleplay the dangerousness of this, it's low combat capabilities, and the extended periods of time it can take to share mana.

  • For those who chose to self-teach with lore, much creativity will be needed on their character's behalf. Firstly, to even come up with the concept, and secondly to learn different ins and outs. I suspect many mana-sharers will not know about evocation-mana-sharing, or about etherealization.

  • One will need more mental discipline than for other magics to learn this. Mana sharing is as dangerous as it is useful.

  • You will need to have connected to the void before, to know the basics of how your own mana works.

  • A mana sharer must have confidence in himself if he is not to lose control. Mana sharing in itself is very difficult to control, and any emotional distraction from your task will be likely to cause you to lose control.

Mana Sharing - Limits

  • Mana sharing is not instant. It takes time to share mana.

  • The limit for mana-sharing is 0.7x, but that is almost impossible to control, even for a master. For a master, a generally safe amount is 0.5x, which is a steady flow.

  • Mana sharing cannot be cast with a stave.

  • Mana sharing cannot be used as a weapon on random passerbys. The reciever must have made connection to the void beforehand.

  • Mana sharing is not suited for quick bursts of mana. - A quick burst of mana will cause you to lose control, no matter how skilled you are.

  • Mana sharing requires lots of focus. If you are sharing mana, do not expect to be able to dodge, or snap out of your trance in any hurry - (It is impossible for the supplier to stop his mana flow quickly, however the reciever may decide to block out mana, pushing the supplier out, but also disorientating them for a small period of time.)

  • An attempt to force mana into a non-mage may end up with you losing control of your mana, and it leaking into the air around you.

  • (Ooc consent is required for Etherealization)

Mana Sharing - Common usage.

  • Mana sharing is useful for rituals.

  • Magical shows.

  • Restoring the mana of an almost dead human.

  • Restoring the mana of somebody who needs it.

  • Preperation for something in future which needs mana.


Manasharer and Evo (Evocationist) stand against the man clad in iron armour and with a dwarven made iron sword..

*Warrior draws his sword, the edge glittering dangerously.

*Manasharer reaches for Evo's hand.

*Evo takes his hand and begins to prepare a spell.

*Manasharer begins to push his own mana into Evo, through his hand.

*Warrior charges, a loud war-cry escaping his lips.

*Warrior swings at Manasharer's left leg.

*Mana sharer takes the sword square in his upper leg, and a sharp shout of agony is heard.

*Evo loses his concentration and backs away.

*Mana sharer slumps toward the ground, unable to hold his feet.

*Evo turns and runs, leaving his friend to the Warrior.

*Warrior turns and makes a grab for Manasharer's arm.

*Manasharer resists weakly, but gives up, allowing himself to be held.

*Warrior begins to drag Manasharer towards the prison.

(In a face-to-face fighting scenario, consider mana-sharing virtually useless, unless the assaulter takes a long time to actually attack.)


Illusionist one is a master (10/10) mana sharer.

*Illusionist one frowns and attempts to make contact with his master's skin, in front of the small gathered crowd.

*The master does not move, knowing what his apprentice will do.

*Illusionist one begins to push mana out of himself, and give it to his master in a slow, steady method.

*The master begins to prepare a largish illusion, of a loud bang accompanied by a flash with emotional illusion to make them feel awe.

(A complex illusion, a very complex one, but it should be possible with the mana side of things covered easily)

*The master accepts any incoming mana, forging his illusion in the void.

*Illusionist one feels his mana seeping away at a steady pace, and into The master.

*Illusionist one smiles with his proficienced control of his mana flow.

*Illusionist one lets about 3/4 of his mana run free, before shutting it off firmly, shuddering and sweating heavily, and stumbling with disorientation.

*Illusionist one falls to his knees for a moment out of exhaustion, to regain his breath and energy.

*The master forges the loud bang, and the large flash, and begins to imagine the emotion of awe being pushed into those around him.

*The master pushes the illusion into reality, and as it is realized, he assumes a fast walk down an alleyway, so as to make the impression he dissapeared, tugging his manasharer along with him.

Losing control

A basic scenario of what it looks like when a manasharer loses control. This scenario is of an arrogant manasharer who is trying to show off, when, of course, it goes wrong.

*Manasharer looks at the mage, mischief in his eyes.

Manasharer: Want to see something cool?

Mage: Sure, what is it?

Manasharer: Here, let me show you.

*Manasharer motions for the Mage's hand.

*Mage offers his hand.

*Manasharer takes the hand and focuses his mind.

Mage: Ok...

*Manasharer hurries himself, not wanting to dissapoint, and pushes a burst of mana towards the Mage's hand.

*Mage feels a sensation entering his hand, one of power, and smiles, not resisting..

Mage: What is this?

*Manasharer opens his mouth and closes it again, as he shudders.

*Manasharer's mana begins to run more freely, and more turbulently.

*Mage sighs in pleasure at the energizing feel.

Mage: I didn't know you could do this.

*Manasharer's shoulders slump, and his eyes unfocuse as he struggles to keep control.

*Mage frowns, pulling away his hand.

Mage: It's ok. You can stop now.

*Manasharer slumps to the ground, mana running freely out of his hand, and begins convulsing.

*Mage gasps and gets up, beginning to panic.

Mage: Manasharer? Manasharer?!

*Manasharer's mana leaves him in one final burst, and he is still on the ground.

*Mage looks down on the corpse with dread, and scurries off in panic to find a monk.


A very long roleplay scenario of Etherealization. Etherealization is not just a short happening, it is an entire roleplay, almost. Granted I could have made this shorter, but this roleplay captures my whole idea of how it should be.

(A situation of which a cleric decides to sacrifice himself to save a near dead another. Manasharer is his brother. Manasharer 2 is not a friend of Manasharer.)

*Manasharer 2 sits back, not wanting anything to do with the situation.

*Cleric watches as his love's face becomes increasingly pale, sobbing and screaming.

*Cleric looks at the strong, master Mana-Sharer beside him.

Cleric: Do it.

Manasharer: What?

Cleric: Etherealize me.

Manasharer: I can't do that!

*Cleric stands up, desperately offering his hand.

Cleric: NOW. It is what I want... For her.. To be okay.

*Manasharer looks away, pain on his face.

Manasharer: For real? To lose your soul for her?

*Cleric doesn't speak a word to Manasharer, looking him in the eyes instead.

[L-OOC] Manasharer: Can I etherealize you? You know it permakills you, right?

[L-OOC] Cleric: I know, I can't do anything different. This is my character's personality, and I want this to happen. It's a touching finish for Cleric.

[L-OOC] Manasharer: Oke.

*Manasharer moves closer to Cleric, motioning for his hand.

*Cleric gives his hand, tears rolling down his cheek.

*Manasharer accepts the hand and begins to push his mana towards his own hand.

*Manasharer feels his mana come against a slight resistance, and pushes, carefully and steadily, to maintain control.

*Cleric does not resist, feeling the energy seep into him.

Cleric: My love... How did it come to this?

*Manasharer's mana flow speeds up lightly, but he grunts, knowing what would happen should he ever lose control now.

*Manasharer snarls.

Manasharer: Need... More.. Mana...

*Manasharer 2's head snaps up angrily.

Manasharer 2: You should have known this would happen, don't expect me to help.

*Manasharer continues pushing his energy in, his nose bleeding now.

Manasharer: Imagine.. It was YOUR brother doing this...

*Manasharer 2's face contorts with anger.

Manasharer 2: Do not play games with me.

Manasharer does not reply, focusing on his steady flow of mana, though his shoulders are starting to slump, and his knees are quaking lightly.

*Cleric turns to Manasharer 2

Cleric: Please... I can't do it with this little.

*Lovewoman begins to have erratic breathing, a sign of near death.

*Manasharer 2 shakes his head, suddenly finding the good in himself to aid.

*Manasharer 2 places his arm on Cleric, and begins also pushing his mana outwards steadily, to Cleric.

*Cleric shivers as he nears his cap of mana, and groans as some of his skin begins to blister.

Cleric: It is near.

*Manasharer 2 feels a sudden rip as he pushed from Cleric's manapool.

*Manasharer feels the same, and clutches his head, a large headache upon him, and he falls over, weak from the donation.

*Cleric's skin glows a light blue, and he screams supernaturally, his voice robotic and staggering.

*Cleric's skin explodes outwards in all directions, and he looks down on his love, his Ethereal blue figure holding together.

*Cleric begins to push as much mana as he can into a large-scale healing spell, as a desperate last act for his loved one.

*Cleric finishes weaving his spell in the void, and he rips it into being, pushing it upon his love.

*Cleric's passionate blue colour begins to fade peacefully, and his organs begin to dissipate.

*Cleric's figure breezes to it's knees, and places a hand of mana toward's it's love's face.

*Cleric pushes the rest of his mana into the healing spell, and watches as his love's wounds heal, and her breathing restores to normal.

(Cleric here was a very advanced cleric to even be able to think of such a spell, and he was able to control his emotions for this reason. He knew what was happening, what he was doing. He had known about Etherealization for a while, so he was able to get off that last spell, because of all of those factors.

This scenario is done at a very advanced stage, presumably the second or more person to be etherealized if Manasharer knew the monks would not be able to heal him.)

Notes and changes:

The faster you share mana, the more potent. The slower, the less potent. This is shown by including things in emotes such as 'A rapid, dangerous flow' Or 'A steady, safe flow' Potency being the ratio of giver to reciever.

Somebody cannot force another to give them mana (Cannot 'Suck' mana out of another

I'd welcome some suggestions on improvements, and ways to balance this.

Now, mana's sharing rate is dependant on skill, from almost nothing up to a maximum of 0.7x rate. This maximum rate is nigh uncontrollable for even a master.

EDIT: I moved this down here so it is more noticeable.

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