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Status Replies posted by VonEbs

  1. … School tomorrow…. kill me...

  2. I'm dead. Also I believe I'm a sword, in the Void with Iblees, AAND somewhere else.

  3. Ebs is dead, and I have a theology project.... so time to ro as a girl...

  4. Story time in Laurelin with my new bestie Susitsu

  5. Why are cookies always round? I want a Triangular cookie.

  6. Merry Christmas everyone! Be on the lookout for my application! Ho ho ho!

  7. The teaser trailer is finished! Expect to see it soon.

  8. Strep throat sucks.

  9. Trying to help my throat with all those suggestions, so far they don't work. I'm impatient, so. . . Anyways, getting food brought home to me, woo. Going to include some coffee or somethin', probably.

  10. Really happy about how popular these sprites are getting! Remember, if you want one, go to the topic and make a request!

  11. Happy Birthday to me.

  12. The wedding is going to be on December 23, at about 7 - 10 PM Central Standard Time.

  13. My little pony!

  14. :v At school, on library computer.

  15. What a waste of carbon molecules. Your 'superior mentality' disgusts me. Damned spawn of a defective sperm and a reluctant egg.


  17. Was asked if I could use Undead spells...somebody should go read the lore er somehtin

  18. hmmmmm... made a GM app..... lets see how this turns out

  19. Who wants me to make a poll to see if Del should come back? I already have lore for all possibilities. So you jsut say yes here and vote on which lore i should do. So vote here if you want. Ill take about 5 votes. Less if only 2 yes's >_>

  20. Everyone! Help me with high Elven Lore!

  21. Waking up to a successful ban report...me gusta.

  22. Uhm, really really bad sorethroat :(

  23. How do people make 3D Minecraft avatars?

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