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Status Replies posted by VonEbs

  1. Thanks, Ebs.

  2. Thanks, Ebs.

  3. After almost a year of trying, I am pleased to announce that Machinima has asked me to join their team, to bring you the latest and greatest gaming content in the world. For those who have already, thank you for subscribing. The support is immense to me. For those who haven't, please do so at http://www.youtube.com/chattycheese . Thank you so much, everyone! :)

  4. The humans are at war, god help us.

  5. The new clutch is all done..... I hope you're ready.

  6. The new clutch is all done..... I hope you're ready.

  7. About to post a picture of me. :/ on the Show Yourself topic.

  8. About to post a picture of me. :/ on the Show Yourself topic.

  9. Well, either everyone learnt magical powers in about 2 seconds, or I am going mad....Probably both...

  10. Now that Ive had a good nights rest, my mind is a bit clearer than last night, so now I can say this. I didn't have to many IC encounters with Maeghan, but became friends with her via very late night talks over the OOC chat. She was fun to talk to and we got along so well that the fun ol command '/buddylist add' was used. Although we are not supposed to speak of religion, I can say I do not believe in any god from the life Ive had, I have always thought to only be angry at any ...

  11. loves trolling people by putting empty jaffa cake packets in the cuboard so people still think there are some jaffa cakes in there :P

  12. How did my title right under my picture become "aquiring Minas"? o3o I feel like a hobo now. D:

  13. That was SO freaking stupid. A bunch of Mori come to the elf capital, and start speaking a odd language, then just attack us all, kill me, I had all my life work in my inventory, everything I ever owned, and they just attack, we cant even understand them. It was majorly absurd, and a terrible rp event. I thought they would bring good rp, instead they just bring bad rp and minecraft combat.

  14. I need to add something to the dictionary: SiimonBane : To make everything overly long and confusing through complex context and a long application.

  15. Im sure everyone is happy for 2.0?

  16. My ability to sleep is getting worse and worse...I went to sleep around 12 last night, well, not sleep, but bed. I wasn't really falling asleep while being REALLY tired and kept looking at the clock as the time passed. I stopped looking at the clock at 7:55 AM. I think I'm developing insomnia or something, but this has been happening all week long...

  17. Snow Day! No School For ME!!!

  18. Biology Exam..... Over... Odyssey Exam next

  19. I'm going to strangle my brother...

  20. Are there any High-Elf cities?

  21. So I've made a melon/pumpkin farm that is fully automatic, meaning the dirt doesn't need to be reworked, or replaced - ever ;)

  22. I have a baby sister!!! Congratz mum!

  23. Writes magical lore like a boss

  24. Biology Exam..... Over... Odyssey Exam next

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