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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I was reading in the App archive and one of the apps was an account with the MC name pumpkin_eaters. Oooooh.

  2. Should I make a dwarf character, Hobokin the Wizard?

    1. Thrym


      Yes. Dwarves are da bomb.

  3. Hey guys! Let's see if we can get to 250 votes on minestatus. http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft

  4. Come join at the wonderful world of wizard on TS!

  5. Come on guys! We need to vote, we have dropped to 179 on minestatus!

    1. CloakandDagger


      We gave up on Minestatus a long time ago in favor of more profitable ways of advertising.

  6. Tekkit server is really fun.

    1. Guest


      I luv tu pew pew the peeps

    2. Huggablefudgems


      I think you're jelly I have a server.

    3. Huggablefudgems


      I think you're jelly I have a server.

  7. I'm trying to join tekkit, but no responds to my messages on TS!

  8. Well, we jumped from 172 to 171 on minestatus when I voted.

  9. 26 inch TV looks so good as a monitor.

  10. Lore Guide was pinned after about 1 minute of being posted. I guess they thought it was good then!

  11. My sort of Lore Guide is done! Hopefully it helps people.

    1. ek_knight


      Looks great. It definitely organizes the confusing lore.

  12. Does anyone have a link to a lore page about the end of the undead?

  13. I wonder if my application team app will ever be read or accepted.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Phelrin


      It would be nice if they had a contemplating section

    3. CowsGoMoo


      Most Applications in the Application Team Applications stay there for months.

      It's a miss and shoot. Just gotta prove yourself somehow, through a guide, or being notable for helping Wandering Souls, such as Kernel and Ar Ar.

    4. Lita


      Mine's been there a while. Good luck to you.

  14. *breathing hard* I just fought a mysterious man, it vanished, I ran.

  15. I didn't make the image. I was browsing a pixel art website and found it.

  16. That is my reason for making the event. Hopefully, farmers will come and enjoy a little rp.
  17. *William, walking through the Cloud Temple see the fliers.* T'is beh a new business. A little competition never hurt anyone. ((By the way, you might want to change the font color for an easier read. Good luck with the business.))
  18. Update Added information about Kal'Alras market stall.
  19. The intext ads messed up the title of my guild page. Stinky.

  20. Freya needs Fancy Fedora now! In honor of her help to LOTC!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ek_knight


      She's resigning :(,

    3. Dalek348


      Two words: Sexy. Sombrero.

    4. Thu'um


      Yes, Dalek, yes.

  21. I can never seem to find Nicolas Silverblade ingame. Me needs his shopsees.

    1. Braxis


      You are not Buying the Silverblade Shop...

      -Words from Co-owner/Nico's Brother/From Nicos' mouth :3

  22. Eirika, welcome to teh company. Praxedis! It is good to see another Goldhand, welcome! Your mining skills will be much appreciated.
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