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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Goldhand Trading Company Background Back in the days where dwarves walked the lands of Aegis, the Goldhand Clan rose to its height in wealth. Starting the Alrasian Merchants, a group dedicated to selling their goods at reasonable prices to everyone they could. The business was highly successful and shops were started in other places such Al’Khazar and Kal’Urguan. This marked the rise of the true power of the Goldhands. They were wealthy and flourishing in Aegis. With the more recent exodus to Asulon, the Goldhands struggled to find a home at first and finally received Kal’Alras as their rightful hold. Gulroid and Rasun, the two highest ranking Goldhands, renovated the entire city and produced a beautiful hold to dwell in. With the recent success of the Goldhands in Kal’Alras, they have decided to reopen a merchant company like their ancestors. This new company would help the Goldhands reach their former prowess that they held in Aegis. Hierarchy The Goldhand Trading Company is as it name implies, is run by the Goldhand clan-members. Every clan member will be allowed and asked to join the Trading Company to work and provide supplied to stock the stores with the finest wares. The Trading Company is not exclusive to clan-members though. In addition, citizens of Kal’Alras will be allowed to work for the Company based on their various skills. Below is a example of what a section of the Company would look like. Goldhand Overseer | | Goldhand Miner--------------Kal’Alras Miner The Goldhands will hold the highest ranks in the Trading Company, but will work alongside the non-clan members to increase productivity and insure the success of the various stores. Storefronts The Goldhand Trading Company plans on purchasing locations for shops in several key cities. The headquarters will be located in the Kal’Alras Hold and the Company will expand from there. The Company plans on purchasing shops in Solace, Arethor, and several of the the other major Dwarven holds. After a few shops are gained, they will look toward future expansion. In addition to stores, the Goldhand Merchant Company will also support deliveries to the Cloud Temple. If possible, it would be favorable to obtain a shop near Cloud Temple Sanctuary for ease of access. Orders may be placed either through messenger birds or direct contact at the headquarters. Kal'Alras Stall The Goldhand Trading Company has opened a stall in Kal'Alras. Currently, the stall is selling weapons and armor. Stock is limited so get it while you can. Upon entering the main gate, turn left and continue down the street. The stall is last one before the stairs up to the terrace and keep. Company Positions There will be several critical jobs open for employees that allow them to live in a safe working environment and have the maximum potential to succeed. Pay will be given accordingly, although the Trading Company will discuss that personally with the various employees. The Company will have various sections of the business ranging from farming to mining. You will be evaluated based on your current skill level and placed under the right leadership to succeed. There will be a Goldhand member placed in charge of the entire operation as the “Toruk”and a few overseers selected as “Mordin” to maintain order among employees and insure they working to their best ability. The most skilled and mature Goldhand clan-members will elected to these positions. If you desire a promotion, you will have to work hard to obtain it, they are not given out on a whim. Facilities Currently have various facilities in Kal'Alras to use for the Trading Company. When you join, you will be showed the Lumberyard, the regular farms, and the mines. These facilities are not to mess around with and should be treated accordingly. While working there, you are not allowed to take anything that is currently in the chests and must place what you gather back into designated chests. The paintings below depict the various Goldhand mines and farms. Wheat Farm LumberYard The Trading Company hopes to set up a small dormitory for its employees for free housing. Note: If you are not a Goldhand clan-member, the mining permit costs 1000 minas. Contact If you would like to contact the Goldhand Trading Company, you will need to visit the headquarters in Kal’Alras Hold or send a bird to a few key Goldhand members. Toruk - William Goldhand ((WizardInABox)) Mordin To be Chosen Goldhand Leaders Gulroid Goldhand ((zuluman111)) Rasun Goldhand ((Rasun37)) Company Employees Praxedis Goldhand - Seasoned Miner Eirika Renais - Blacksmith Company Ethics At the Goldhand Trading Company, the employees are expected to treat those above them with the utmost respect. Employees must work hard to retain their positions and contribute to the well-being of the Goldhand Clan and Trading Company. If there is any dispute, the Torak and Mordin will decide whether the employees are fit to continue working or need to be fired. Company Rules 1. No stealing from the Company or other members. 2. Respect the other Company employees and especially the Goldhand clan-members. The Goldhand Trading Company Creed Here at the Goldhand Trading Company, Others shall be first and I shall be last. I respect the other workers, And pledge to work my best. I offer my allegiance To the Company’s Good And will continue to sustain It’s lasting values. Informational Application This application will allow to see what skills you currently have and how you will benefit the Company. It will be brief and to the point. MC Name: RP Name: Current Skills: How will you benefit the Company? Do you comply to all the rules and promise to abide by the creed?
  2. Now, I really wanna be a Doomforged.

    1. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      How would you know? They have no public lore...>.>

    2. Wizard


      I met one.

    3. Goldrim
  3. 9/10 I have seen you around a ton.
  4. I only made one iron chestplate from 3 tries. Really...

  5. I walk into Arethor and an enderman kills me...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mucky


      yeah the dicky knights..

    3. Braxis


      Huuki You know High Treason, Don't Do it :3, And Dont call people harsh names either.

    4. Mucky


      No in character there are dicky knights, not ooc

  6. Heigh ho! Heigh ho! It's off to work we go!

  7. Anybody know a link to where I can figure out how dwarves talk. I am new dwarf

    1. Hiebe
    2. Skippy


      Ah dunnae know abou' dis link ya speak uv!

    3. Wizard


      Thanks, I am just trying to make sure I rp it correctly.

  8. Public Server Idea: Make it the Aegis map so we can explore Aegis again. Not sure if this is possible though.

    1. Twiddlepop


      I know that Vaq has made the map downloadable on his website, it's about 3gb though.

  9. LOTC should open just a general survival server to compete with the other major servers out there.

    1. argonian


      If it was just a general survival server, it would not make the RP server any more popular,

    2. Wizard


      Umm, you can have both. Savage realms has a rp server and a survival server. They are doing really well.

  10. The MUC is not working for me. Any solutions guys?

    1. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Just saying, it doesn't work for me too.

  11. You know what, you are probably right. Could this thread be moved into the event sub-forum? Thanks Edit: Once in the Event subforum, I will add the Event Proposal.
  12. Way to go Phelps!

    1. Sargeblub



    2. Guest



  13. A boy just killed himself in rp in front of me....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      Morkas (Wrathstar555)

      what in the world...

    3. VonEbs


      How quaint.

    4. Rissing


      that's sad :<

      Do me a favor and talk to him, ooc'ly

      I know 3 people who did their well

      their suicide ingame

      cus they couldn't inreal

      Same goes for me

      But that's long over ^-^

  14. There needs to be a horse to Solace.

    1. Raptorious


      Really....Solace is one of the closest things on the map....

    2. Redbaron™


      There are two horses in solace, one to Ildon and one to Arethor

    3. Wizard


      I was really kidding. I know it is close.

  15. *As you approach the Cloud Temple, you are not welcomed with silence, but rather a cacophony of sounds. Laughter and fellowship hangs in the air as you and your friends gather for the annual Farmer's Market* The Farmer's Market Come ye one and come ye all to the peaceful and joyous occasion that shall happen soon! Harvest your crops and bring your goods to enjoy a time of celebration and community. We will gather in the coming months at the Cloud Temple Sanctuary to enjoy the first annual Farmer's Market. Come and claim a market stall to sell your crops. This is not only an opportunity to have fun, but also to make a few minas for the hard-working farmer. Feeling left out cooks? No worries, you are welcome as well to work and sell your delicious treats and meals. Each cooking stall will equipped with a furnace and table for your ease. We gladly welcome your presence at the Market so we can eat like never before. Now for the real fun! We are summoning all you hungry Asulonians to come drink and be merry. Spend your minas on good food and crops. Don't hold anything back. Looking to store up a few stacks of wheat? Buy them here. There will be anything from watermelon to cake here. We might even sneak in a little bit of ale for your pleasure. Event Planners, MC Names: WizardInABox Event Type: Community Gathering Event Date: I have not set one just yet, as I am waiting for confirmation from others about the event. Factions/Nations effected by the event: All races are invited to join the Farmer's Market. Event Location: I would like to happen near the Cloud Temple Sanctuary so that more RP'rs can come and enjoy the festivities. Summary: The Farmer's Market will be just that, a farmer's market. Those undervalued farmers on the server can bring their crops and sell them here to the mass public. Each farmer will be given a stall if they so wish where can sell their produce. In addition, a few cooking stalls will be made that allow for the greatest cooks to come and prepare the finest meals in Asulon. Basically, this is a community builder. We can all gather for some fellowship in-game and just enjoy the natural aspects of Minecraft. I hope others think this would be a pretty fun idea. Concept Images/Screenshots: I do not think any screenshots are necessary. The overall building plan of the event should be pretty easy to grasp. There will stalls set up most likely in two pretty good size circles and a small path between the two. Other Information: This is a pretty simple event that should not take that long. It will only last as long as the people are there. If anyone else wants to help with any of the planning, just ask! Any help would be fantastic. Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Any help would be great. If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: The stalls should be pretty easy to build, but if you wish to help, I will gladly take your offer. I am not sure if any actors would be required because their own characters can come and enjoy the festivities.
  16. So what people! I am a wizard living in a box.

    1. Slic3man


      I assume you live in a box because your wizardship cannot be handled by organisms.

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda was better.

  17. 6/10. I have seen you some, but not an enormous amount.
  18. 1.3 Update will allow servers to dole out their own texture packs! Awesome!

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      That IS awesome! OwO

    2. DrakeHaze


      Simple, don't update to 1.3 and have more fun on LoTC than a singleplayer :3

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Wait, Ill still be able to use Sphax though, right?

  19. This will make roleplaying a servant or butler much more enjoyable. Instead of doing long and tedious chores, tasks can be done with ease with household magic. I support!
  20. This lore post is painful to write. Just as I updated my post, my internet went out and I lost some stuff.

  21. I am so annoyed right now. The stupid web protection took me away from my huge lore post I was working and now I only have half of what I did. This stinks. I am done writing now.

    1. 0000


      Copy/Paste to Word.


      Get in this habit, it always works.

    2. Wizard


      I was about to post it as WIP when all of a sudden, it jumped away.

  22. Hmm, new lore/city idea on the way. Probably just stupid, but I'm gonna try it anyway.

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