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Status Replies posted by Elfen_

  1. In my opinion of textures they shouldn't go over x64. For it looks to realistic and doesn't fit into that minecraft style. Infact x64 can be pushing it depending on the texturepack. I tend to keep between 16x, 32x and x64

  2. In my opinion of textures they shouldn't go over x64. For it looks to realistic and doesn't fit into that minecraft style. Infact x64 can be pushing it depending on the texturepack. I tend to keep between 16x, 32x and x64

  3. In my opinion of textures they shouldn't go over x64. For it looks to realistic and doesn't fit into that minecraft style. Infact x64 can be pushing it depending on the texturepack. I tend to keep between 16x, 32x and x64

  4. Having an argument over which is better; Australia or Europe. Which?

  5. i wonder how many furries are on this server...

  6. Looking for a new character, if you have an RP role that needs to be filled PM me. Preferably not children, but I'm not too picky.

  7. Once upon a time I thought I was crazy. But the voices in my head told me that was silly. They were right. The end.

  8. It dosen't matter if you win or lose...it's how you play the game. But just in case you're wondering you lost. Try again.

  9. I lied, Amon is actually Korra


  11. Get rid of lightning storms please. They add nothing to RP simple rain couldn't, other than lag and most people crashing. Thank You.

  12. Coke or Pepsi?

  13. Haha... sleep... that's cute... zzzZzzzZZZzzzZZ... Yep... Very cute...

  14. Tomorrow I'll be roleplaying an Aggresive Mob when I can, I'll be in a Car ride for 12 Hours though so I wont have much, give me ideas for what to roleplay? Other then an Ender dragon

  15. Going to the doctors soon... I hope I get a lolipop :3

  16. I want people's honest opinion on an Iblees cult forming and trying to take over a quarter of Asulon. State below.

  17. Quite frankly people, I'd rather us laugh and fall over each other's shoulders with chuckles than to fight, bicker, and raise mobs against players, FMs, and GMs. So with that, due to a famous topic posted recently, this is not a troll .gif, but rather one we can just laugh at: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m50ipbQ6ZA1r3zat8.gif

  18. In response to /that/ recent thread, on which I cannot reply, I only wished to say that I think expecting or forcing people to roleplay a character that is the same gender as they are in real life may only engender lying (no pun intended haha). If, for whatever reason, someone desired to roleplay a character opposite their gender and there was a rule in place that told them otherwise; they may be inclined to simply lie about it on their application and never reveal themselves, much like how p...

  19. Long day, couldn't save a child, and I fixed a leg that normally would've been amputated...

  20. Oh Look - I'm getting ban-reported... I feel like I should curl into a ball and wait to die. :I

  21. WHY!? Why do my tools and items keep turning into broken pickaxes? WHY? RAGEEEEEE

  22. Happy 25 REP! Also... These mobs are crazy... @_@

  23. So... Anyone as bored as me?

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