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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Elfen_

  1. So... Anyone as bored as me?

  2. So... Anyone as bored as me?

  3. So... Anyone as bored as me?

  4. Nose randomly started bleeding...should I be worried? >_>

  5. Nose randomly started bleeding...should I be worried? >_>

  6. Bad time for a crash :I

  7. Bad time for a crash :I

  8. I've been voting ever since Vaq said so, I just hope everyone else is aswell.

  9. Is there a command to switch gender? Like, /setgender or something along those lines?

  10. When you just wanna ban people for their grammar :(

  11. Time to go outside in the dark and set some things on fire

  12. I am about to rip the LotC 3.0 idea a new *******...

  13. Sometimes, I wonder if Vaq gets up in the middle of the night, turning the server off just to troll with us.

  14. Sometimes, I wonder if Vaq gets up in the middle of the night, turning the server off just to troll with us.

  15. Although I see some good submissions so far, I think the judging of the screenshot contest will come down to who spelled "Reserved" the best >.>

  16. When I'm around 20-25 and still single, I'll go to a playground with a lot of kids and sit down watching them. If someone comes up and asks which one is mine, I'll say "I haven't decided yet."

  17. *Contacts Aislin to get ability to place quest items in the Ankabut Ravine, but gets told he is Trial GM thus unable to help* Raptor14, BannanaToYou, and gaiusmarius8 face the scary ravine and... gets wooped 20 seconds in :3

  18. So what -is- up with the server? Been down for.. 2 hours or so?

  19. Skips school to go play LOTC, servers down #Badluckbrian

  20. Preordered Guild Wars 2. :)

  21. Where should I post about adopting me? I'm a 2 year old Kha' Pantera named Mwita :D

  22. today... thanks to freya, I have died three times, been set to ascended twice, been set to ascended with golden scroll message and powers... set to a cat person. HMM...

  23. Where should I post about adopting me? I'm a 2 year old Kha' Pantera named Mwita :D

  24. today... thanks to freya, I have died three times, been set to ascended twice, been set to ascended with golden scroll message and powers... set to a cat person. HMM...

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