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Status Replies posted by Elfen_

  1. Those in high-school take nothing seriously because they are distracted by the sudden amount of halfway-attractive females, even if it hurts your "LotC time" :3 [P.S.: Yes Gaius, I love you, man.]

  2. What are you guy's opinion of music in general? Is music some thing that inspires you? Helps you feel happy/sad ? Good thing to listen to while spreading maÿonñaise on your toast?

  3. The defualt texture pack really does BURN MY EYES.

  4. My brothers are watching Pokemon seasons 1-5 FML

  5. Objective obtained: Become an old hat.

  6. Currently rewriting my character's biography. You know since I started in Aegis to now, a lot has happened and I don't plan on closing the book anytime soon for my character.

  7. I slept in a dog cage last night... >.>

  8. I bought Minecraft three days before it went from Alpha to Beta. What 'bout you?

  9. Grammar Nazi fight between Aryon and me. What is correct? "Peoples' VAs" or "Peoples VAs"?

  10. Flowerpots? Potatoes? Carrots? Item frames? SOMUCHWIN.

  11. Rolling in Minas is the best feeling a character could have :3

  12. Anyone else have those moments where you're looking in your chest and have no clue why you keep all this crap?

  13. Anyone other than me still on Summer Break?

  14. On my first job application, would I get accepted if I wrote under Strengths "I GOT DAT MAD #SWAG"?

  15. Urara, Dsdevil, and others who are making assumptions and being silly with your statuses. Please, exit the forum and take a break. The end of the world is sadly not nigh, that was a WIP from what I read and was not set in slate. Your pixels... err.. I mean your characters are safe! :3

  16. minecraft.net is down and my skin isnt from my lotc character can i still get on or no??

  17. People like to call it powergaming to put on your armor quickly, but to be fair a Minecraft day is about 30 minutes. So, wouldn't it actually take a really long time if you equipped it in like... 5 seconds? Anyone else seeing that?

  18. *Plays on Dwarf Fortress and loses 100 dwarves to a goblin invasion* Well at least my housing issue is solved :3

  19. Am I the only one who really enjoys reading changelogs?

  20. Hmm 500$ Require new PC. What do.

  21. Internet went out. Missed Sala's wedding... T-T

  22. Whats up with all the advertisements on the forums?

  23. Ugh....skin broken...either DDoS..........or Mojang =_="

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