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Status Updates posted by Elfen_

  1. I realized how hypocritical everyone is.....I find it funny. Though it annoys me, I just deal with it knowing that I too can be hypocritical.

    1. JCQuiinn


      Don't forget "deal with it in RP."


  2. Anyone wanna make some druid-like clothing for me?!

  3. So when can this plague stop? I'm already bored of it.


    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      sun, hahahaha, so funny.

  5. Mew (≚ᄌ≚)ℒℴѵℯ

  6. I like your forum avatar. 10/10 Any info from where it came from or based off of(if there is something it is based off).

    1. TeaLulu


      it looks to me to be a tarot-card artwork in the style of the tarot cards from Dragon Age Inquisition

  7. Hello, it is I, your friendly neighbor spy.

    1. Elfen_


      I meant to write neighborhood but, derpy and sleepy me forgot that portion of the word. I apologize for failing you.

  8. Is it me or does like it seems like thunders way too often in LoTC? Like for people like me who like to have the sound on(I have it drastically lowered)- It's basic a RIP ears scenario. It doesn't feel immersive when my ears start bleeding. 


    Anyhow else having issues with it being too often? 

    1. Elfen_


      Can we disable that? Cuz that's stupid for servers.

  9. Okay, I found a much newer(not newest) forge version that works just fine with optifine. If you guys wish, change up the forge version to 2362. It also doesn't have that "Forge Beta Warning"

  10. I haven't been able to watch the newest legend of koraa becasue of my sleep schedule

  11. Hello, I am a lie. Goodbye.

  12. Any event team I could speak with...?

  13. About 40mins left of this hour then I will have to go. What to do?

  14. @uracow Just relax bro. No need to get mad.

  15. Wow really spamming statuses again?

  16. I notice an ever increasing of Gaiaonline avatars. :P

  17. Seems today is my last day of summer D:

  18. Death shall be here if LoTc doesn't come to save the day.

  19. Oi, I see ye stalkin' me profiles. Whadda ye doin' that fer?

  20. I dunno, where have you been?

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