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Status Updates posted by Saviordude

  1. There be and Admin lookin' at mah profile up in here, yo!

  2. I love server events and all, but who's going to fix all the holes? D:

    1. Volutional


      The Nation the wholes are in :<

    2. Saviordude


      Heh, guess they're never going to be fixed then...

  3. The Druids Grove is the weirdest place on Asulon... o.e

    1. Taiga


      That Jameson gives me the creeps...

    2. Saviordude


      Well, we just had a long dead member be born again from the womb of a cow, so Jameson doesn't really bother me ^.^

    3. Braxis
  4. Waiting for Petyr... so bored...

  5. I /love/ your profile picture and member title! :D

  6. Petyr is GREAT at events. The Vale is lively with the song and dance of halfings! And a forest dwarf, of course! ^.^

    1. Austin


      Orcs should be their feasting

  7. Alright posted my App Team App. Hopefully it doesn't lessen my chance of being a Gm >.>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Saviordude
    3. danic


      It depends on your intentions, are you doing it to help te server? Or do you just want to be a GM? If you are obviously trying to be a GM, it can make you look sorta like a Tryhard.

    4. Saviordude


      I want to help the server of course! All those unanswered modreqs.... *shudders*

  8. Saviticus needs a job, I have too much time on my hands :I

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NekoDanie


      App Team are short handed I heard as well.

    3. Saviordude


      Alright, I'll try it out! I still have my heart set on GM though ^.^

    4. Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      I talked to Auv in a pm yesterday and he had said that they were going to start looking at the app team apps soon and look over the old ones as well.

  9. Wow, the Druids are about to get a GREAT roleplayer! 0.0

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Saviordude


      I never see you at the grove :I

    3. Ever


      Ooo, he's good, I like him.

    4. Saviordude


      I know. I'm so happy we got him! ^.^

  10. And so begins another day in the life of Saviticus, Head Teacher of the Druids.

  11. Happy Easter!

    1. 0000


      And a merry Wester to you!

  12. Apparently I've been a Druid the longest out of those still in the order :)

  13. How am I supposed to assign Dedicants to Guides is the Guides are never at the grove? *facedesk*

  14. I'm going to try spoutcraft out.... hope I don't regret it.

  15. I just found out that Neko follows GM applicants secretly. I hope she followed me when I was doing some awesome roleplay, and not when I wander around looking for something to do! XD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      I dont know, I find it quite... meh.

      Keeps reminding me though....

    3. Lucas


      It is hard to keep the excitment down I know, but you need to be modest about these things. Do something great, do it well and and when you get recognised for it everything pays off. ;)

    4. Saviordude


      Ok, thanks, I will try :)

  16. I want to roleplay with Neko. I've never met a dragon before! :o

    1. 0000



      *gets eaten*

  17. Second month of waiting on that application.

  18. I'm tempted to send Neko a donation, but it feels like a bribe to me :I

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      I just send her my love~

    2. Saviordude


      I think that's worth more than I could ever give :3

    3. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Like the Beatles said.

      Can't Buy Me Love~

  19. Oh no... there's TWO admins online! :o

  20. I wish there was a way for me to do Modreqs. I have soooo much time on my hands :I

  21. I need to stop checking my inbox for GM acceptance messages. :I

    1. nickdabeast135
    2. KarmaDelta


      *sees 1 new message*




      *sees title that could be it*


      *clicks and reads*


      *looks in sadness*


  22. Time to break into Mori City.... *Cue Mission Impossible theme*

    1. danic


      Eh.. Been there, done that.

  23. I wish I had a forum title :(

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