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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. Currently buying a home in Alras. That's right.

    1. Skippy


      You should get a home in Overholm instead. .w.

  2. Had a great party after Braxis and Tara's Wedding. Congratulations you two!

    1. Nethrel


      Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! :3

  3. Killing more blazes... these things are everywhere! Got me some blaze powder :D

    1. Dante


      Which you turn into powder friend.

  4. Back from small vacation, just read the new Alrasian military reform. What rank am I now?

    1. Aislin


      Re-apply on the forums.

  5. Merry Christmas everybody!

    1. Reader


      Meeeeeeeeerry Christmas!

  6. The new server layout irritates me to an extend where I want to murder it and cut it to pieces. On another note, is the dev server offline?

    1. MrSyth


      *Forum layout

  7. Congratulations to Lord Aislin on becoming Viceroy and Acting Regent of Alras!

  8. Alright just read about the way to become a kharajyr. Now hesitating heavily. Should I become one? Maybe I have a better idea...

    1. atticusmas



  9. Tamed a wolf, named him Bryndolf. Thinking about magic now?

  10. 25 minutes later, still waiting for that modreq. Wth blizz!?

    1. Cappy


      It's ok bro. I have yet to have one answered within two hours.

  11. Good to see Kal'Alras so active. People walking around everywhere, shops poppin' up. Mhm.

    1. Reader


      Ahh. Glenwood is so quiet.

  12. Got help from the great Freya at setting up my shop. Thx alot!

    1. Slic3man


      You might want to check for bombs. .w.

  13. Waiting outside of the Haelun'or gates. Still no one to open them.

    1. MrSyth


      Guess I'll fix my elven language a bit.

  14. How in the world is Haelun'or so empty?

    1. Mithradites


      Heh. Sorry dude. Tis the curse of the timezones. We have a very spread out playerbase in that regards. ;)

  15. And of course, just when war is about to go down, my mc decides to go tippin' balls. Now letting my pc cool down.

    1. DrakeHaze


      So. My parents decide it's a good idea to go out for dinner right now...most likely going to miss the war...fml

  16. Got all prelared to fight some orcs, then found out I have to work tomorrow morning. (it's 1 am at my place.) Good luck to the dwarves!

    1. MrSyth


      FYI due to this I will not be joining the fight.

  17. May the Vaq be with you.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      And with you, aswell

  18. I don't always check the wiki. But when I do, the info is outdated.

    1. VonEbs


      It is always outdated... it is hard to remember a time when it was not.

  19. 20 more days 'till my 1 year lotc anniversary! Oh my Gawd.

    1. nickdabeast135


      You excited?! be excited.

  20. Thx MrGoldd for my first magic app reference! Still need two though, so if you know me IC, and think I deserve it, please leave a comment http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/65622-silvos-sythaerins-second-app/

    1. Goldd


      Your welcome :)

  21. Was azed by Darkling (aka Gorum) again today, as he called Silvos 'Blade' aka his hidden name which he had thrown off weeks ago. Damn that guy knows his RP.

    1. MrSyth


      Azed? *amazed.

  22. The june calender is very interesting.

  23. I've got 13 reputation :o I'M DOOMED. Unlucky number.

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