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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. Ahem. That is indeed fancy.

    1. gingernut97
    2. Urahra


      *puts on her monocle and top hat. Like a sir*

  2. Aislin ffs just come back. Kal'Alras isn't the same without you.

  3. All my eggs hatched ;)

  4. All my friends are dead. Anyone from New Terriko still alive?

  5. ALL OF THE LOST PROGRESS. #crying #gonnashootmyself #rollbacks #hashswags

  6. Almost 50 rep! Got a small event coming up soon ;)

  7. Alras is screwed...

    1. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
    2. Neutonic
    3. Rusty7x


      @Alras Why you so empty #ShitIsBoring

  8. Already making a new character again ey? I knew you'd miss the dwarves. Make a dwarf char, their community seems to know you ;) Come to visit me anytime in Alras!

  9. Alright guys, so this is what just happened to me on the temp: Had a manor, turned into bunker, committed suicide, went to spiral, came to top of spiral, made platform, spiral disappeared, was about to make video of me jumping down, GM took away platform before I could launch fraps, my minecraft died. THE END.

  10. Alright just read about the way to become a kharajyr. Now hesitating heavily. Should I become one? Maybe I have a better idea...

    1. atticusmas



  11. Alright, enough with le sadness.

    1. MrSyth


      And that my friends, is why I shall call my first daughter Stacy. Le wife has agreed.

    2. Shuness


      How does this video keep finding me.

    3. Amorphbutt


      Total Badarsery.

  12. Alright, getting PokeMMO. Anyone wanna meet up somewhere?

    1. mmat


      Add 'iMattyz'. ^_^

    2. MrSyth



  13. Alright, seems like a war. Will do so tomorrow morning, need to get some sleep. 3 day gaming marathon tomorrow!

  14. Alright, so what's the deal with Dryads on LotC? Are there many? Does one go through a special application to make a dryad-character? Inform me.

    1. Dukester


      I know somebody who formed a Nymph character and nobody had a problem with it. So I assume not

    2. Ever


      http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/45444-the-sisterhood-of-dryads/ Follow the instructions here and post on the thread. It's moreso who we know who has a character than to approve/deny.
    3. MrSyth


      Thank you, Ever. That was just what I was looking for, just couldn't find it.

  15. Alright. Lots to do on my magic app, it seems. Time to get to work. First up: Rewriting my bio (smaller) so it's about magic only.

  16. Alright... I just thought, since I've been in the military for months and everything...

  17. Also, reputation reset? I used to have like 2 :P

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      No, 2 people gave you negative rep. :(

    2. Seventh / Ryan

      Seventh / Ryan

      LOL ^

      Aye, sadly, thats how it is. :(

    3. ~≈Panda≈~
  18. Also, robbed by bandits and lost lots of items. :(

  19. Also, the /w command isn't working

  20. Am I the only one that's extremely stoked about the new content patch?

    1. Reader


      Wha..? New patch?

    2. MrSyth


      Lotc is gonna get a huge content patch with 1.3.1

      Vaq mentioned it, I think.

  21. And like so, another day passes. Will be bak online on thursday!

  22. And of course, just when war is about to go down, my mc decides to go tippin' balls. Now letting my pc cool down.

    1. DrakeHaze


      So. My parents decide it's a good idea to go out for dinner right now...most likely going to miss the war...fml

  23. And then, there was cheese. Molten cheese.

  24. Angry Syth is angry because Syth went to buy a Galaxy Note II but it wasn't in stock.

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