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Status Replies posted by cometking123

  1. 3 more days...just...3...more...days

  2. Just non-rp killed 8 people....

  3. -Has just seen a 'My super sweet 16' party or something on TV. The spoiled child got a car for her birthday. Girl complains because it's the wrong colour / make / something.- "I don't want to live on this planet anymore..."

  4. TehLulu is banned....I hope it wasn't due to a pugsy

  5. Gah, Walter...What have you gotten yourself into?

  6. I cannot put down this book...so good...

  7. QQ I want Dat Waystone Inn....

  8. Hahah, 10 hours exam and I'm probably getting no more than a D. Life is frickin' awesome!

  9. Operation Saucepan is under way. First step is complete.

  10. I'm officially a lifeguard for another three years. Quite honestly I am disturbed by how relaxed they are with the testing. My secondary couldn't even push the backboard down underneath the victim... o_o

  11. To all DDO players who are probably more skilled than I am; Want to make a lotc guild? o.o I need help xP

  12. To all DDO players who are probably more skilled than I am; Want to make a lotc guild? o.o I need help xP

  13. Wish I could go over to whereever Mithas lives and give the bullies some aloha hospitality.....with my fist and a hell of a lot of crappy insults.

  14. What do you guys think of a new villian I want to make who kills by his acidic poop?

  15. What do you guys think of a new villian I want to make who kills by his acidic poop?

  16. Wish I could go over to whereever Mithas lives and give the bullies some aloha hospitality.....with my fist and a hell of a lot of crappy insults.


  18. We have to make a new term for killing people then trolling them.

  19. iPod + Forums = Conangrufused (confused+angry) Lym

  20. When I die, I want my body cremated and my ashes sprinkled over the Krispy Kreme.

  21. 7:24, Time to get to school with my bike. -10°C outside :|

  22. My father came back today! Hooray! Everyone do "/msg a4moondoggy

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