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Status Replies posted by DecoLamb

  1. Bored of everything.. What is left to try and hold my favor..?

    1. DecoLamb


      I hated LoL when I plated it. Raevir have yet to be interesting and entertaining with any interaction or reading of their culture I've done. (Some people enjoy it just not me). I was an orc several times. Even the warmistress at one point. I still have several on the shelf and they are my favorite race.. but something about it has just been missing since Aegis fell :T

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  2. Bored of everything.. What is left to try and hold my favor..?

    1. DecoLamb


      I know I'm a bit.. difficult. But I've just played with too many things at this point I guess, I've spoiled myself with an excess of entertainment and now I cant seem to find anything 'new' anymore..

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  3. Bored of everything.. What is left to try and hold my favor..?

    1. DecoLamb


      Illatian doesn't really capture my interest. Its too similar to other things Ive done. I've played two dwarves and a kha that was entwined in their culture. I've already consumed my personal library and several E-books. I go outside fairly often, there is nothing of interest lately. I go to gymnastics and soccer with my nieces every Sunday and Thursday respectively.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  4. Bored of everything.. What is left to try and hold my favor..?

    1. DecoLamb


      Did the military thing with three different characters. Always got bored. And I've taken several breaks, one lasting 4 months. I'm pretty much sitting here trying to find /anything/ to entertain me, not exclusive to LOTC.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  5. You touch my tralala

  6. all of the server ips for lotc give me 'unkown host' -.-

  7. There is so much history that I have to learn to be a human D: Why did Emperor Horen leave randomly? Why did the empire collapse? Who did what? Is there a simple place to get all the information?

  8. can i have some hugs QwQ

  9. Yeah..I think I'm done... sink or swim.. don't get mad at us for trying to help you keep people updated...

  10. Going anywhere on the server: http://i.imgur.com/6Sfd0ll.jpg I never did anything evil though! I just picked the "wrong" race! To hell with you Rose! You too, High and mighty elves!


  12. [7:11:17 PM] •Arzota•: Update: Cappy and Rhia are yapping about who gets to reset the server instead of resetting it, progress is slow

  13. Am I seeing things or did the server derp out?

  14. Was wyvernos right ? Sleepwell all, taking a break of a week or so.. tired, annoyed, I dont know anymore. Hope 4.0 will have some of it's old glory back, I hope it.. so much. - sad -

  15. Happy Easter People.

  16. Registering and Logging into D&D's neverwinter has to be the most annoying undertaking I have dealt with since babysitting two kids with no Barney DvDs available.

  17. He really does deserve it, Greedo is such a jerk.

  18. Okay, okay... So here's what I don't get. If George made Greedo shoot first because he didn't want Han to appear too merciless, why didn't the younglings in revenge of the sith attack Anakin first? Like, the dude walked in there and slaughtered a bunch of kids.

  19. If this continues I'm just going to say screw TS, I can't play one day without people DDosing me.

  20. Bronies are a sign of human devolution, Charles Darwin be damned. Big difference between actually caretaking a horse and being a breeder and sniveling over some lame cartoon.

  21. Does anyone remember Nical from Aegis?

  22. *gets freed from a jail cell by an orc, guard blows a gasket* XD

  23. So does anyone have any actual evidence of instant out of the womb magic users yet?

  24. So does anyone have any actual evidence of instant out of the womb magic users yet?

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