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Status Replies posted by DecoLamb

  1. WHy is it every time i wake up there's another ooc conflict about idiotic war?

  2. Peeps can't sperate..

  3. Bout to watch my first burning at the stake.

  4. It's been 17 days since I donated for Diamond VIP and still haven't gotten my forum group changed accordingly... I've done what a GM told me to do, which was message an admin. No response, nor was it even read. I posted in the forum JuicyRhino told me to post in and no response. I was told to message an admin again, and no response. Hasn't even been read yet. -.-

  5. For those of you who play in Aegis, I have a question. In what way were the Ascended unsuccessful?

  6. As bad as I'll be, you should all take a listen to my friend's new remix for a contest. It's EDM, but surprisingly pleasant. Go vote for him guys! https://wavo.me/pulses/10673490998010000

  7. grass is for mowing!!!

  8. how the **** do i defrost a tuna steak

  9. Am I seeing things or did the server derp out?

  10. What did Grool do to get banned?

  11. So far enjoying rp as my orc :o Now to find some orcs

  12. First day back and I'm exploring with my friend, I gather a ton of resources. Then I try to find new kingdoms, stumble across an Orcish one and get instantly killed with no warning.

  13. Greedy *ss motha f***as are too worried about items, dang.

  14. 2 votes orc, 2 votes elf. Wat do.

  15. 2 votes orc, 2 votes elf. Wat do.

  16. Lore on Nine tailed fox girls. Thoughts?

  17. Bored of everything.. What is left to try and hold my favor..?

    1. DecoLamb


      Kebab you don't seem to get my problem. Nothing I know of is interesting any longer. I've had so many characters that I pretty much have done every archetype and sub-type. I've been struggling for the past TWO MONTHS to create or find /ANYTHING/ interesting. Im failing miserably at this task.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  18. Bored of everything.. What is left to try and hold my favor..?

    1. DecoLamb


      Yes Frigated, you're on.. But no offense but. Its not entertaining. Its cute rp in small amounts, and I enjoy some of the rp. But I get bored after a few moments of it, it doesn't hold my attention nor my favor. Its just.. bland :T

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  19. Bored of everything.. What is left to try and hold my favor..?

    1. DecoLamb


      You mean that tiny smidget house where every time I go, nobody is there? In the city where every time I go it isnt entertaining or interesting? That one?

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  20. Bored of everything.. What is left to try and hold my favor..?

    1. DecoLamb


      Just had to scroll up to see it, Sofetios. And its a good suggestion except creation is what I do all the time. I make junk for DnD, worldpaint+voxel, fanfiction and short original stories, bouncing around on diffrent rp servers and the like. Its become part of the stagnation like everything else, sadly. Most of my sketches and stories lay unfinished and have no hopes of completion with this current hole I'm trapped in..

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  21. Bored of everything.. What is left to try and hold my favor..?

    1. DecoLamb


      I live right next to vekaro, lol. I can see it only 20 or so blocks away from my front door. Go through it fairly often on my few adventures. As for the warband.. its tempting.. but I'd have to see more proof of a true revival considering all the failed attempts at it I've seen.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

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