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Status Updates posted by thepizzaplac

    1. thepizzaplac


      This is gonna really affect some pay to win servers...

    2. Archbishop


      Do any of them affect us apart from minas?

    3. thepizzaplac


      That's what I've been trying to figure out.

    1. thepizzaplac


      Thinking about using this to create a franchise. Literal taverns and inns.

  1. suggested plans for the sleeping troll inn http://imgur.com/KHBMJuT,SXwTbg6,YSQxl7K,a8fTpJ1 Finished.

    1. thepizzaplac


      Would like some input, before I hand the idea over to the inn owner.

    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      looks like a theme-park kind of thing XD

  2. My new plans for the sleeping troll inn. http://gyazo.com/cc1caf7f2f9e0b364e22410b9c3270d7 any suggestions?

    1. Emp


      Hah; very nice. Are those going to be windows into a room?

    2. thepizzaplac


      That's the plan. ;P

  3. Been mugged 5 times and killed 2 times in the past 3 times...I think there are too many villains.

  4. Took your advice hex, but I also mixed in a tiny bit of spruce in it. http://imgur.com/rRL0hOj,3tQvQ3m

  5. http://imgur.com/1ACl9qS pretty much finished now. ;P Would like some feedback.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thepizzaplac


      ;P Just a dwarven statue head. Was messing around and made that.

    3. hex37


      I'd suggest dark wood over spruce. Much more ominous.

    4. Gwonam_Blaze


      That is both creepy and awesome. I like.

  6. Been working on this dwarfish statue head. I dunno what I think about it. http://imgur.com/HCkGxYT

    1. Snoop


      Looks like the mouth is a toilet. Because that is where all the **** is. Har har! <3 dwarves

    2. thepizzaplac


      ;P Used to be lava. But the beard caught on fire.

  7. "I won't hurt you, because you're not a guy." Saromon, your words cease to amaze me.;P

  8. made this in my spare time. http://imgur.com/mtVO75q

    1. thepizzaplac


      Not my image, but I edited it.

  9. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish , feed him for a lifetime. ((Or until his fishing rod breaks.))

  10. This person better hope they have good insurance. http://imgur.com/Tfqv6pk

    1. Yeezy


      They better xD

    2. cometking123


      I'm sure everything will be ship-shape.

    3. Bircalin


      aho~ ho~

      That's one for the pun thread, my good man.

  11. Debating wether to buy Steampunk goggles or make my own...

    1. hoodmaster906


      Niether!!!! GO VIKING METAL STYLE STUFF! Fo real dawg!

    1. everblue2er101


      I already used one on the tumblr, will definitely add more.

    2. thepizzaplac
  12. I feel so stupid, how do you create a second character via the character cards again? Derp.

  13. Anyone got any request for things like Ig posters or fancy screenshots or anything. Kinda bored atm and would like to try some things.

  14. I need to learn how to do this:

    But alas, I do not own photoshop.
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