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Status Replies posted by Dasaro

  1. 2.1 today :>

  2. When you see an irl friend in a strike report for cussing a bunch at one of your other friends in OOC, you just start laughing, you know?


  4. Hitler's birthday, 4/20, Day of Silence, and the Columbine Shooting. Interesting mix for just a single day.

  5. Stop advertising drugs. There are kids, like him VV, who use these forums.

  6. Stop advertising drugs... Even though some people smoke worse things in rp ;P

  7. Stop advertising drugs. There are kids, like him VV, who use these forums.

  8. Stop advertising drugs. There are kids, like myself, who use these forums.

  9. Hugs not Drugs... just kiding, it's National Weed day =D

  10. Damn... Just when I thought I could avoid report cards from suspension, they take the liberty to mail it to me... Woe is me...

  11. I can hear colors

  12. can i get white listed

  13. LOTC is the best. You got the good times, that bad times, and the whatever else times. Right now its bad times for me, but it'll come around again, it always does.

  14. Spoiler Alert- Dear God... Knight Peculiar is Dead!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  15. (~-_-)~ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

  16. Spoiler Alert- Dear God... Knight Peculiar is Dead!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  17. anyone know how many years we been in Asulon for?

  18. Everyone go take a look at The Regrowth under event proposals! I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on what I have so far.

  19. What's your favorite character from Game of Thrones?

  20. Just came back from the dentist, had my wisdom teeth pulled, and it hurts like HELL. Zane, blood work = wimpy ;)

  21. Everyone go take a look at The Regrowth under event proposals! I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on what I have so far.

  22. Uhmmm, just gunna throw this out there. Salvus is pretty epic. Almost every ounce of good rp I have had on this server was found in that great nation. My character has grown very much there, and i congratulate the makers of it. Also, we haven't lost yet kiddies, get ready for a blood war =D

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