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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Destroyer_Bravo

  1. Well. Now there's an influx of leaving oldf--s.

    1. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      I swear to god if you leave I will kill myself then murder you.

    2. Destroyer_Bravo


      I'm not leaving. Quitting's too mainstream.

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Bravo is too cool to leave.

      He forced me at gunpoint to say this.

  2. Now there is a Skippy 2.0. I bet I'll get namestolen in no time...

  3. I never knew what the heck your avatar was... That hal dude yeah, but the furry? Where did that come from?

  4. Server butt-hurt amounts need to go down drastically. Try buttsliding in singleplayer, it helps.

    1. Aengoth


      But then I will be considered Stark Raving Mad D:

  5. Eoin. Next time, put your name to something I can recognize, let alone type.

  6. Dat feel when everything you type has a garmmar screwup until you fix it >.>

  7. Daily New Knowledge: LoTC coders are like tanks, slow like a turtle, yet pack a punch like no other.

    1. nppeck


      Actually, tanks travel at around 60 mph due to their jet engines.

    2. CowsGoMoo


      The more you know!


  8. -poke- Reboot -poke- Server -poke- Succombing -poke- to extreme -poke- Boredom...

  9. Daily Revelation: Borderlands 2 is hard on easy if you go alone

  10. Daily Revelation: Ends up that your character's stalker is a builder for 3.0 o.o

  11. Do trolls actually have antlers like that?

  12. How do you get Brilliant Breezer?! I'VE BEEN HERE LONGER AND YOUR TITLE IS FANCIER D:

  13. Return your score of Sala to yourself.
  14. Casually checking dwarven election stuff -> Locates slanderous comments about self -> I don't solve ALL my problems with a sword...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      Bravo, Bravo,you know it is simple, shoot them with the goose buster.

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost


    4. Destroyer_Bravo


      Slanderous Bael is slanderous

  15. I have only just noticed that I had misspelled "Dawnsworn" in my nickname >.>

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