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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Coaster

  1. If the internet taught me one thing, then it's that you shouldn't judge people on the first impression. Trust me, I made so many friends just by following this. Always remember my words, kids :)

  2. Why do people write forums posts for leaving? Just leave if you want to...don't burden me with your issues.

  3. Why do people write forums posts for leaving? Just leave if you want to...don't burden me with your issues.

  4. What shall I do now?

  5. I got forum banned nuk nuk nuk

  6. Whats the seal of Skravia?

  7. Why is a pugsy called a pugsy ? did someone called pugsy do it first or something? or just thats what its called?

  8. Well, with one night of trolly singing and fun in TS, I think I might actually stay.

  9. I am now employed in the FM Army. I'm a weakling recruit, so bare with me.


  11. Coasters getting banned har har.

  12. Coasters getting banned har har.

  13. Man, love's so much trouble. I love my spaceships. Spaceships don't (willingly) cheat.

  14. Cleared out my inbox. 250 messages in 2 months.

  15. Won't be playing mister Bentley Finley for a little while then.

  16. This music makes me so sad, the minecraft music, reminds me of Aegis, how I miss all those good times.

  17. Still need dat skin ~

  18. GAH! I just... faded to black. I feel so wrong. D:

  19. GAH! I just... faded to black. I feel so wrong. D:

  20. Missed the battle with the Sariants. The time converter was wrong so I got on 1 hour late.

  21. The worst type of villian, is a villian in power.

  22. The Verge or The Island of ArmaLuna????

  23. i cna feel may tioes

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