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Gold VIP
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Everything posted by danic

  1. .o. u hav 100 rep

  2. Am I the only one who already had Homecoming?

  3. Thank GOD I only have a 2 day week next week, or I would have been more annoyed by the lack of LotC this weekend than I already I.

  4. *Sets on fire with goodies from a dungeon, panics and says goodbye, survives and relaxes.* *Begins mining Iron and watching Tobuscus, turns to exit only to see a creeper exploding* *Creates the most girl and unmanly scream ever* *Dies*

  5. What's going on o-o

  6. No problem :D

  7. Found dis while mining in my single player world .o. I just dug right into that spot. http://i.imgur.com/2n6r5.png

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog




      interesting enigma.

  8. What is with everyone using tinychat now?

  9. i luv all teh colers of teh rainbow

  10. how u make dat sig. how u do dat

  11. #Babies4Food2012

  12. aaaaa I just went to clear out my inbox and found all these really old conversations from like, January ;~; Good times and fond memories omo

  13. Thought I'd have a nice Friday, but nope. It's nice when the person that's supposed to drive you wakes up late

  14. I'm soooooo hungry... But no fooood. Why, commercials, why do you taught meee with PopEye fried chicken and fries

  15. OH MY GOD THAT SPAM THREAD. *Rocks back and forth, sobbing to himself*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Volutional


      I'm sorry you had to put up with that :(

    3. Slic3man


      Kinky stuff.

    4. Sultan


      Its okey only women parts.

  16. Er mer gerd. That texture pack in your signature is so nice.

  17. *rocks back and forth, hugging Jon in the mages tower while lightning death rains from the sky*

  18. #ReadTheForums2012

  19. What's Old man Boendil's forum name?

  20. British Orcs, eh? Well that's absolutely smashing! Good show!

    1. CloakandDagger


      Ha you made a pun...

  21. .... The ****.

  22. Hey, Winston. I have more cats than you'll ever have. Bow before me.

    1. CowsGoMoo







    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      I'll unleash my dog army upon thee

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