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Everything posted by danic

  1. -Wraps up in a blanket on the couch, staring at the gifts- SOON.

  2. I was unaware that having an intercom in your house was so weird .m.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. danic


      Pffft. Who needs shouting when you can just switch to a

      room's channel and press a button .3.

    3. danic


      The intercom is actually reeeeaally ooold, it was already there when we bought the house.

    4. Brandonthegreat1


      Our home phones have an intercom :P

  3. My parents decided to blast Christmas music through my room intercom at full volume while I was sleeping D; My heart... It huuurts...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cosmik


      ... You were... SLEEPING?

    3. MonkeyCoffee


      You have a flipping intercom in your house? ._.

    4. danic


      Every room in my house has an intercom, all connected and the main on in the kitchen .o.

  4. Suppa Giga Mecha Nesbitt do do do do doo

  5. Wasn't the Phoenix that little rebellion maker back in Aegis?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. everblue2er101


      In a nutshell, the Phoenix Revolution was an attempt by rebels to remove Enor Sheffield from the throne of Oren for his perception of being corrupt and ineffective as a leader. The revolution was complicated when Gaius Marius was given the crown of Oren, and Oren was split into Renatus and Hanseti, plus later Salvus, as a result. Anyone who wants to know more PM me, it's one of my specialties.

    3. danic


      I know, Ever :3

    4. Zazarus


      Ahh Salvus... Good times.. then again.

    1. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      Please no, we already have so many!

    2. Zazarus


      Hrrkkk .. Not another chicken Invasion.

  6. End of the world, supposed to be school shooting, didn't do homework, going to be very late to class. Shiets given: none, last day of school till break.

  7. First, the Hot air balloon.... Now... He takes on a new challenge, to invent... POTATO CHIPS/CRISPS. (WHATEVER YOU WAN TO CALL'EM)

  8. Aryon and Rhia are noobs.

    1. danic


      Especially Aryon.

  9. >Oren decides that my house is on their land. >Bakes Pumpkin pie to retaliate. >Good Guy Greg Level: 100

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danic


      Honestly I have no idea where their land is, Emerald.

    3. EmeraldStag


      ._. okay then...thanks....Still not sure which nation to join lol.

    4. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      >Implying if Oren wanted your land they wouldn't just take it. >Implying they would just leave and sign and not send soldiers. >Implying implications.

  10. Zane and I are Nature activists. This used to be a over forested, bare plain. http://i.imgur.com/jMXaU.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yoff


      That's kind of beautiful

    3. danic


      No need to thank us for raising your home value, Rexx. We're good neighbors.

    4. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      Now you have beautiful front lawn. c:

  11. It seems... The skinnier, and taller my cup is... The faster my Coke is depleted...

  12. I have taken over the Volcano with my Pigman army. It is now called Mt. Volcano flaming rave party dubstep nation. All are welcome to partyhard.

    1. Amorphbutt


      Uns uns uns...

    2. gingernut97


      No skrillex, please.

  13. Note to self; Do not eat Chester's $2 cheese flavored puffcorn with a can of Diet coke, unless you wish for your stomach to explode.

    1. Acornlad


      I wish I could eat food...But I have to lose weight for wrestling...

  14. Meh. Guess I'll logon the server after like 3 months... *Glances at cereal* Eh... After my frosted flakes.

  15. I hate when people knock, then instantly open the door. It completely defeats the purpose of the knock -.-

    1. gingernut97



    2. argonian


      There's another version of that, where somebody offers you some more food/drink/whatever and give it to you before you have a chance to answer.

  16. Well. Today... Is a preeeetty good freaking day..

  17. Starbucks frappuccino mocha coffee drink smell awful, but taste sooo good..

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Like molasses :O

  18. In 2012 , a crack commando unit was sent to Skype by a military court for a a meeting they didn't expect. These men promptly talked with each other in the maximum-security Skype call to find more about everyone. Today, still dicussing in the skype call, they survive as soldiers of Rainbow. If you have a problem... If no one else can help... And if you can Call Them Maybe... You can hire... The Rainbow Squad.

  19. That moment when a old Admin comes back, and people don't know who she is. Makes me realize how long I've been here.

    1. Ever


      Their new is showing.

  20. My mothers iPad is just wonderful. I can view the entire forum!

  21. I will nest in your brains.

  22. Damnit. No matter how crazy the bad guy is, they always find a way to make you pity him 3:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danic


      Wat where'd you come from, Kendra :O

    3. Kendra


      No, nooooooo.

      No questions.

    4. Kendra


      By the way, my top hat is better than yours :3

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