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Status Updates posted by Grabthar

  1. *sniff* But... but... but Grabthar want to dig.

  2. AAAhhhh... why can I only use 1 workstation at a tme?

  3. AAHHHH... SPAM and i can't report it.. WHY did that ability get removed? :(

    1. Cappy


      I can still report it :(

    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Report is broken for me for almost 2 month now.

      Sad, sad times.

  4. Always remembered... never forgotten... too bad he couldn't dupe his lyfe... RIP in peace.

  5. are you online.. i miss you?

  6. awww. Old Hats got their ability to report SPAM taken away :(

    1. Lykos



  7. Cap was lowered to reduce lag issues. Should go back up in a day or 2 when stuff is ironed out. Admins are doin great to fix all the bugsies!!

  8. Das boot... oooh ya, thas more like it keep pooring!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grabthar
    3. Grabthar


      NO... you'd be the Italian

      German Grammar Nazi Assassin

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      YES! New title incoming! *airplane noises* Tactical Grammer Nuke, inbound! BOOM WOOSH!!!! :D

  9. For the record... I.Hate.Gravel.!

  10. FYI... Old Hat is non-VIP's who have a high number of posts.

    1. Zebanamana


      But I am a VIP XD

  11. Gaaaarrrr... Ahoy matey!. Seein as we soon shall be rival pirates, might as well say ello.

  12. get online... i need te buy iron lol

  13. Got muh Stonemason level up pretty high... figure I might as well use it for some good RP stories right?? Have a look see!!

  14. Had my first interaction with the Flays tonight... The lead up roleplay was good, but using all that RP just to take someone somewhere and meaninglessly PVP default them seems pointless.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grabthar


      yeah... My character is an absolute passive, won't hit anything but spiders. even then he uses a shovel :)

      So pvp default... I am not a fan!

    3. Jakesimonson


      there are no flays

    4. Sneaky


      Flays are no more?

  15. Happy Table Top Day guys!!!

  16. hey.. i will post a warclaim for next saturday so we can do a proper pillage skirmish. By then hopefully we can have stuff ready. Got way busy IRL and cant do it tonight. Will be on later though. See you then maybe.

  17. hi

    1. Secret Lizard President
    2. Kilgrim


      Yar har fiddle di dee!

      Being a pirate is

      alright to be!

      Do what you want cause

      a pirate is free!

      You are a Pirate!

  18. How do i find a link to my accepted app for the server?

    1. Mercius


      It'll be gone now. A lot were wiped when the new app system came into place.

    2. Grabthar


      ok thanks... needed a link for something. They'll just have ta deal with the mystery that is me.

  19. How long IC have we been in Thales? Doesn't say on the Wiki?

  20. How long IC have we been in Thales? Doesn't say on the Wiki

  21. I am convinced this professions plugin hates me: First, once I hit Masterful all the time like tripled for the same stuff i had been making to level, now I can't even access the workstations. :( I tried logging, breaking them, everything... ugh.

    1. CowsGoMoo


      That glitch happened to me too. I relogged and logged and broke the stations for around fifteen minutes, and it just somehow fixed itself. D:

    2. Grabthar


      it fixed itself with the restart :) Now.. what the hell's up wif the craft times.. why they get longer?

  22. I have decided to begin my climb through the ranks of LotC . Eventually i hope to own the server... Mwuahahahahaha. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/41729-grabthars-app-team-application-unread/

  23. I miss you my friend

  24. I used all the materials you had at the island site, and a full chest of my own gravel. I can get a chest of dirt out there later tonight. But gonna need ALOT more then i have lol.

  25. If I have knowledge of a rule that everyone is forgetting, but am in no other way involved, can i post that rule on a Ban Report?

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