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Everything posted by Rom

  1. Well, as I was walking home the sun was damn warm. When I got inside that rain was pretty loud...

    1. Metomorthis_


      Hey Rom I think you marked my application pretty harshly as I have seen people get accepted who wrote nothing on Meta-Gaming or Power-Gaming if this is the only reason then I would like it if another member of the app team could read my application and if there were other reasons can you please tell me them so I can make my next application better.

  2. Then you should doubly be denied for plagiarizing.

  3. So. Much. Building to do!

    1. Astraeus


      i wish i could help you... :(

  4. I feel so... sick. Eugh.

    1. Astraeus


      poor you, hope you get better soon.

  5. Watched the Olympic torch today. Chill.

  6. -pokes the status bar-

    1. Reader


      *Pokes the Comment bar*

  7. I am now A-Team. I feel complete.

    1. steelersfan1221


      Welcoem to the team! ~

    2. Lykos
    3. danic


      Now all we need is Macgyver and we're set.

  8. Actor App posted, see if I can be both roles in the event team!

    1. Astraeus


      I wish you luck rom

    2. Skippy
  9. -Waves at the forum people-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strawberry114
    3. Spinzir
    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      * looks behind her* Are you talking to Panda, if so, please hang up and try again.

  10. Already an Event Team builder, but I'm gonna post an Actor app as well. wish me luck!

  11. I'll give you some help Rusty, I'm on the build team after all :P
  12. Accepted on the event team, thanks Native!

  13. -Waves goodbye To Rom'-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dargene


      with the music it was sad as well!

    3. Rom


      Thanks, I tried to make it as emotive as I could! ^.^

    4. Astraeus


      *sniff Rom...N-Nooo

      (so touching)

  14. Wyvernos, you have made a great Fm, and I think you'll be an amazing GM. Congrats

  15. If you've liked any builds you've seen me make, I'd really appreciate some support on my Event Team App: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/58769-romulus-event-team-application/#entry459091

  16. Homework done? Nope. LoTC time!

  17. Last day of the holidays, tomorrow, it's back to the day-to-day grind. Yay.

  18. Mcname: LROWNAGE Gobbo Name: Rag Claw Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above[include appearance]: Rag is 41 years old, not the oldest claw, but certainly not the youngest either. He finds himself to be quite a bit taller than the other Claws, but he is in no way the size of a human or elf. He is the most ghetto goblin, always getting filthy and having huge tears down his clothes. He is as stupid as all the other Claws, having no social smarts, therefore he can make conversations very awkward, very quickly. He weras a brown cloth that he fashioned himself from an old potato sack, this is covered in muck and all other manner of filth from past days of rolling in mud. Stupidity Level: 85% Gender: Male Special Trait: Spreading mud all over the manor. Age: 41
  19. Back in the comfort of my own home/country. Bow, to catch up some missed LoTC time...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Volutional



      Rom is back, Rom is back, my Rommy Rommy is back back back !

    3. Volutional
    4. Astraeus


      Welcome back Rom

      really missed you

  20. Ugh, my profile pic. Ugh, my sig'. I NEED FIX DIS.

  21. I'd say 7/10 for you Rusty, more popular then me for sure.
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