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Everything posted by Rom

  1. VA number 2 posted. Hopefully I can get me some evilness going!

    1. gingernut97


      Good luck! Meanwhile, here is your daily dose of evil: huehuehueheuheueuehueheueh >:D

  2. Preaching is so fun X3

  3. Golden Lord > Creator

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PtahWithin


      Rule 10: Greed is eternal.

    3. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
    4. Bucky_24


      Blundermore > Every Religion. Follow me in my new Religion! Church soon to be in construction!

  4. MC logins and minecraft.net are playing up, just gonna have to wait it out: http://gyazo.com/034aee1d594a279bb280c948ef2e02e6

    1. Lirinya


      Good old unreliable Minecraft.

    2. Wolf Haley (Tyler Okonma)

      Wolf Haley (Tyler Okonma)

      Same, me to. Cannot connect nore can my friend

  5. Trouble with your skin? Mojang are working on it: http://gyazo.com/f1f98f83127402eeb3d66744afa63406

  6. Alrighty, the MC servers are fixed. You can now log in!

  7. Alrighty then, a question for you guys: What do you think of the terrain on the temporary map? What did you like and what do you think needs improving?

    1. Skippy


      I personally think it's too fancy for a temporary map. I wouldn't even care if the terrain was MC Default terrain and it was the perm map, I'd like it.

  8. Rom

    Inb4 all the congrats. Well done Rhia! A fine addition to the GM team!

  9. To sort out confusion: The map has been constructed by myself and various other players with GM supervision. You should be able to speak, that's just a bug, along with a few others people have spotted. You CAN build, but only in specific areas. Read Mog's post for full info on what/how to RP in this temp map.

    1. Astraeus


      Indeed and remember, have a good time. :)

  10. Server's being de-bugged, everyone chill.

  11. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Huzzah! I can use Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V correctly!

  12. Server's on 1.4.4. update!

    1. Nyhelm_Mors


      1.4.5 now... WTF.

    2. Rom


      1.4.5 is only server-side, it's 1.4.4 for client-side stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EpicSmith


      How long will we be serverless?

    3. gingernut97
    4. Rom


      Apparently it's a DDoS attack, so until they can get it sorted, MC servers will be down.

  13. Martial Arts broke me. I can't feel my legs. Or arms. Or anything else...

  14. 7:25AM and I'm more awake than I have been in ages. I feel motivated.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda is happy for you! But panda is also going to bed now =w=

    2. gingernut97


      Well ginger is going to school, so long SUCKAHS!

  15. 4/10 Never really seen you much before.
  16. What's good, is when your school closes and you get an unexpected 3 day weekend! Woot!

  17. I am absolutely frez-ing.

  18. Just got Halo 4, best get playing it!

    1. Danny


      I am dissapoint.

  19. Do NOT craft Firebows. You aren't meant to have them.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      * sets a bow on fire * Hehehe, breaking the rules hehe- AUGH FLUFFING WAFFLES PANDA IS BURNING!!! * rolls around on the floor.

    2. Merkaken


      Fire bows? Whut diz? o.o

    3. Merkaken


      Fire bows? Whut diz? o.o

  20. Alcohol poisoned in-game, :

    1. gingernut97


      Life lessons with LotC! Lesson #9001. Don't drink too much alcohol!

    2. Rom
    3. Lykos


      have alcohol poisoning? Better drink more alcohol to clear that up.

  21. Back at school. Bleh.

    1. Rusty7x


      School is gay

    2. Teemo (Beast_Teemo)

      Teemo (Beast_Teemo)

      School is bad, yes, but without knowledge you learnt at school, you would be a horrible role-player.

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