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Everything posted by ryno2

  1. driving to St. Louis~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ryno2


      I'll get in a skype call with you as soon as I can, hon

    3. Everman111


      St. Louis Missouri?

    4. ryno2
  2. is it just my derpy mobile phone, or was the forum down for a few minutes there?

  3. just watched Avengers :3

    1. Jarkarll


      Scarlet Johannsen

    2. EmeraldStag
    3. ryno2


      Lol the whole theater laughed at what preceded that line^

  4. now time to watch Avengers

    1. Wheatley


      You don't watch Avengers, you EXPERIENCE it.

  5. so how are all you guys doin'?

  6. MIB 3: not bad!

  7. off to go watch the new MIB film~

    1. FORƎST


      Saw it on Friday. Have fun~

    2. Nononymous


      It's amazing! Enjoy yourself!

    3. ryno2


      In 3D also

  8. interstate highways: good phone signal, but no 3G coverage...

    1. Space


      Don't text well driving >:O

    2. ryno2


      Lol I'm not driving first off; second, if I were on the highway, how would you see this?

  9. and so begins the goodness-knows-how-long drive to tunica...

  10. Back in 8 or 9 days, bro-hams~

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Bye! Panda will miss you a lot T^T

  11. Being in that Remmbering Aegis server brings back so many memories...so much nostalgia...

  12. 5/10 seen you abouts more often
  13. 3/10 mostly because I approve of your avatar :3
  14. aaand that's 4000

  15. ever had vietnamese candy? no? well, lucky you D:

  16. family night at church tonight. but there's a twist! the power's out, and the clouds outside are about the color of a fresh blackberry!

  17. and the 3000th viewer is...

  18. just got overcharged at a fast food restaurant by someone who looked as though they never bothered to finish high school...

  19. my next alt character is going to be Ernest T. Bass...

  20. evening; skin work & things wait till much later today~

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