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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Mizu/Uzim

  1. What has this server come to that Legoboy gets banned. the salt. Its tingling

    1. Mizu/Uzim


      RAeplayer is going on a bais ban sprea because a meta gaming wandering soul was flying around and when dwarves armor up to defend there nation they get banned

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  2. So, people donate $500 to the server and people complain about their pecs? I I donated $500 dollars to the server I want a ******* flying spider that shoots machine gun arrows and has ******* dragon health. Chill out boys, its a mob that does 2 hearts of damage and goes as fast a horse.

  3. The battle today was mainly lost due to the lack of command from the human side and the miscomunication betwen gms and players.

  4. Why cant i set a profile picture yo.

  5. I like how pvp defaulters are coming onto an rp server that only allows rp pvp. Damn you know lotc has messed up somewhere.

    1. Mizu/Uzim


      Im guessing youre butthurt bc you just got died from pvp lol. Typical

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. all these reports, so alpha

  7. anyone tellme why i cant get on the teamspeak? could it be my version? I have the latest update

  8. all of the server ips for lotc give me 'unkown host' -.-

  9. whats the ip to the server

  10. whats the ip to the server

  11. With my method everyone involved will quickly find a way to forgive eachother, everyone so cooperative *sheds tear*

  12. not a single one of my own children came to my party, wow.

  13. So manyban reports on blackmont brass. Maybe it's time to stop and consider what you're doing wrong...

  14. Yaaaay for Heero!

  15. I beat braxis in league

  16. Disney music is good.

  17. Well I just had to deal with a home break in.

  18. What should my new avatar be?

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