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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Casamir

  1. Now that I think of it... is there an RP reason as to why everything is pre built when we get to the land of 3.0?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Casamir


      I enjoy surprises, and I don't think scouts would make full up cities like I've caught view of in the preview thing. Oh well, I look forward to it either way, twas but a passing thought I had.

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Casamir, I was one of few who voiced my disdain for the pre-built cities made by the Asulonians. That being said, I did write lore that would serve to allow pre-exist peoples [NOT new races] to exist in the 3.0 continent when Asulonians arrive to make a very interesting and engaging environment come time we go to 3.0.

    4. everblue2er101


      Firstly, I was kidding, as Hiebe clearly showed. Secondly, why do you feel that you need to know everything? I'm seriously asking, because I know that I like surprises. Having everything transparent means that even more voices are thrown into the mix and it takes even longer than it does already to get anything accomplished.

  2. Hmmm, I feel like I miss out on alot of stuff by not being one of them Skype loving people. Maybe I'm just crazy.

    1. youlovesocks


      i get the same feeling :/

    2. maxkenny23
  3. This is some long server downage, guess it's off to wow for me yay :D

  4. Them Dark Elves sure ARE racist, I remember being a dark elf myself and they still hated me.. and those guards... "We're watching you.. scum" I just came to buy some bread man, why you gotta hate on me.

  5. Server is down? Bah Now how will I relax after a long (And heartburn filled) work Day :(

    1. ayresalex
    2. ayresalex
    3. Casamir


      Oh sorry sir, just noticed your reply, I Apparently needed a nap, I just woke up after crashing for 2 hours :O

  6. Cut my life into Pizza, this is my plastice fork. Oven baking, heavy breathing, don't give a f*** if it's carbs that I"m eating!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze
    3. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Is it odd, that I put the words eminently into the rhythm of the song after reading the first 3 words?

    4. Jchizz


      Not if other people did too. Which I did starting at Pizza.

  7. Human / Elf Half breed, whats the Max Age lore wise? How about Human / Dwarf?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lirinya


      Whilst half humans/half elves should have both curses, it's up to the player if they gain any age advantage at all. Using common nsense, they wouldn't exactly live as long as humans, but I would say they would live a little longer, retaining SOME youth.

    3. MetaSolaray


      If anything the curses and blessings are both dominate genes, as all creatures show these traits at the same time showing co-dom. As for the age I would believe it would settle in the half due to the age for shorten span of life (Human) along with the blessing of age(Elven) getting only both curses is quite silly with no advantages Your an infertile human....with a little youth.

    4. Casamir


      Well my Character is about 65 So far, I was hoping to aim for a bit of the decreased aging and a little longer life. I picture him as looking about 38 ish, and I don't plan on him being any older than 200, I read somewhere that Halfbreeds usually live about 200-300 and no longer.

  8. In what section of the forums would I post screenshots of some work I've been doing in creative?

    1. Casamir


      This is screenshots out side of asulon, not sure if it could still go in Screenshots and Videos?

    2. shiftnative


      Off Topic > Computer Gaming > Minecraft ! :]

  9. Well I'm completely bummed out, bring back my old character, become a bannermen, get granted an isle, in the time I wait for the GM's to transfer ownership the emperor gives it to someone else, he being higher than the Duke that gave me the land.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Casamir


      3 day Mod req, longest I've had to wait, if the GM team xfered ownership sooner, the emperor probably wouldn't have thought it was an abandoned isle and gave it away QQ, I even lost my chest full of supplies.

    3. Casamir


      can't do much against two full diamond wearing thugs saying "No these are our supplies"

    4. VonAulus


      Go hire your own thugs.

  10. How do VIP plots work in 3.0? can you give any info on that yet?

  11. 333 posts, is this a sign of good things to come? NAW

  12. Managed to get my items back temporarily, I died to drowning while trying to surface again through about 4 dissconnects

    1. everblue2er101


      Forget about items and become a monk.

    2. Casamir


      HUZZAH I GOT THEM ALL, managed to place some stone above my head to create an air bubble zone yus

  13. Great i died with tons of building supplies right before the server gibbled, bleeeeeeeeeeeh

  14. odd server is full, and it won't let me connect, Some VIP perk huh.

    1. shiftnative


      It's a shame when you hear about a bug in a negative and potentially accusitory way - ill have a tech technician look into it - currently at my great grandmas on my phone though

    2. Casamir


      Oh sorry, I didn't mean to come off as an ass ":O never had it happen before and I was more or less woah about it.

    3. Casamir


      On a plus side it got your attention :D

  15. Woah Vaq is gone? you leave on Vacation for a few weeks and boom

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Reality hits you hard bro...

  16. Waiting to post my second VA attempt.. sort of unsure about it, not sure I'm good enough to get approved :(

    1. Cyndikate


      Remember, the VATs accepted only 25% of all of the applications.

  17. How does one change their display name?

    1. Wode


      *sprinkles glitter everywhere*

      Magic, of course!

    2. NiC201 (Aeries)

      NiC201 (Aeries)

      Hmm, well I believe one would have to go to their profile, settings, blah blah, look through ALL the options in there, it's somewhere in there :) GOOD LUCK FINDING IT :)

    3. Casamir


      I see where it should be via the help / settings part, but it's not available to me QQ oh well

  18. VA got denied because I posted my stuff inside the bracket by mistake... damn it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ArmedByBlade (POTATO3)

      ArmedByBlade (POTATO3)

      You've gotta be kidding...

    3. -Max-


      there is hope my friend

    4. Casamir


      there is but now I have to wait the 24 hours to copy everything I edited and post my second attempt.. sucks that a simple mistake like that uses up your first attempt : \

  19. Nice choice of forum avatar sir /slywink

  20. Just watched res retribution... Kind of a let down, felt too much like a lead to the next movie

  21. Server is up, And I am on.

  22. God I'm so happy I found that new avatar.. I could watch it for hours.

    1. Kaiser


      *Starts looking for avatar*

    2. Casamir


      My forum display one, not my profile one lol

    3. jackbren


      Very nice avatar you have there....

  23. Just need to sell my smith and get some extra Minas, and I can get my new life rolling

  24. You still play dude?

  25. Why are cauldron's disabled on the server? I was hoping for free water with the new update

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