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3 Fresh


About Excluded

  • Birthday 11/12/1995

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  • Character Name
    Frost Everbloom

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  1. I can't believe it's been a decade since I signed up here lol, I'm amazed LoTC is still around

    1. Aesopian


      that's life bruh

    2. Aesopian


      you're now an old man like me, you can stay around and unjade people

  2. Happy Birthday to me c:

  3. I'm currently moving to a new home so I will be inactive until I get internet set up

  4. Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate it.

  5. Well... Today sucks, my mate Zanoah passed away.

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      It's awful to hear that. As genuinely as possible; I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Perhaps take a short break from LotC, if you feel this may impact how you treat others for a while, but we're all here to support you whenever you need it.

    2. Rissing


      Lost both my uncle and granpa in these two weeks, I know how you feel.

      Just know they rest in peace.

  6. Yup, gonna quit for awhile...

  7. *Shakes uncontrollably as his tea sipping intensifies so super hardcore*

  8. *extreme pro sipping*

  9. *sips tea angrily while waiting for server*

    1. Gladuos


      *aggressively fixes bow tie*

  10. I have spilled my tea in waiting, I am mildly upset.

  11. Beautiful Symmetry~

  12. What do words taste like, do they taste like anwyone who has ever spoke those said words?

    1. Galendar


      It depends what they incorporate ;)

    2. Excluded


      Good point, what if it tastes like their breath, maybe people would shut up more often.

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