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Status Replies posted by Joe_Blackman

  1. Frost Witch tea party on Friday. Who's going to be our first guest? :3

  2. - Wow. Just wow.
  3. - Wow. Just wow.
  4. Cold... s-so... c-c-c-cold... radi-radiator... d-dead... f-f-f-fudg-fudges-sickles...

  5. Cold... s-so... c-c-c-cold... radi-radiator... d-dead... f-f-f-fudg-fudges-sickles...

  6. Cold... s-so... c-c-c-cold... radi-radiator... d-dead... f-f-f-fudg-fudges-sickles...

  7. Cold... s-so... c-c-c-cold... radi-radiator... d-dead... f-f-f-fudg-fudges-sickles...

  8. Minecraft.net is up once again~

  9. I am going to eat your heart.

  10. Urara is reading my improved MA o.o Wish me luck?

  11. HHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNG RAAAAAAAGE. PRINTERS, WHY, JUST WHY?! Okay, clam down, I'm just going to photoshop my answers into the document x.x Scanning functions on printers = absolute horrific

  12. Just woke up....YAYAYAYAYA!

  13. After about 2 months, I finally moved my snake up to my room, under my bed :I

  14. Panda thinks that the temp server must be full of chaos and despair... * plays Hell Yeah! Instead*

  15. That awkward moment when people think your thread is suggesting somethign else ;I


  17. Follow me, set me free, trust me and we will escape from the city, I'll make through prove it to you! Follow me!

  18. Ain't no rest for the wicked..

  19. Sum LotC up in 2 words. GO GO GO

  20. Let's hope this app gets accepted. :)

  21. Egh, Vergil's getting a tad mentally broken, loving it.

  22. Who wants some Frost Witch cuddles?

  23. Killing campers on BF3 with EOD-bots (those little Engineer robots). Just too damn trolly x3

  24. Coughing hurts, my stomach muscles are strained :L Any suggestions? Seems I'm straining a lot of things right now...only had some serious leg cramp a week ago.

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