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Status Replies posted by Joe_Blackman

  1. I'll stop... but it will always hurt me. No matter what happens, this was one of the worst experiences of my entire life. A little clarity would clear things up. Just a little. But no. So I'll stop..but I don't get why you just can't take the scalding branding iron off of my back so I could just clear things up. Because of you I contemplate suicide. Congratulations, you've ruined my life.

  2. Seriously though, those white roses need to stop trying to kill Panda's gentle Rina unprovoked.

  3. Just realised 25% of my old posts failed to make some sort of sense

  4. -Best Avatar Ever-

  5. Leaving the VAT.

  6. Two atoms are sitting in a bar. One says to the other, "I think I've lost an electron." The other asks "Are you sure?" To which the first replies, "I'm positive."

  7. A man, lived a regular life, until a killer wiht an immoral mindset brutally killed his wife, babies and left him unconscious. But the sinister killer left one child alive, who he had made physically disabled during his onslaught... Later on, when everything settles, the child is kidnapped on his first day of school. His father is left traumatized. He sets himself a goal to travel far and wide to rescue his son... What film do I refer to?

  8. My dog had an operation earlier. She is sad.

  9. I faded, faded, faded. I- I faded, faded, faded.

  10. Elwen will be lifting objects with Telekinesis soon... don't make her mad! :3

  11. #yolo2012... don't hurt me guys...

  12. "What's the point of packing a sword like that if you're not even going to use it?

  13. Dammit. I couldn't complete the first secret mission in Devil May Cry 4. So hard. -_-

  14. *Crawls out of his cave, glancing at his profile* Total Tophat, eh? How nice... *Creeps away again*

  15. "Wait, my son, the planet or me?"

  16. Well, I just learned that a group of fire mages could show up at my tower at any random time. Welp...time to pack up and move to a different spot!

  17. http://i49.tinypic.com/1zwi740.png - The victims of the first Frost Witch tea party. :3
  18. I want my 13 year old High Elf with amnesia to get adopted, but how? LFG or something?

  19. http://www.retronaut.com/2012/03/monsters-from-the-kaibutsu-ehon-1881/ - Some cool images of interesting Japanese ghosts/monsters.
  20. "Ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees. I got bills to pay, I got mouths to pay, ain't nothin' in this world for free..."

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