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Status Replies posted by Baconthief

  1. If a High Elf and Dark Elf had a child, would it be light gray skinned?

  2. Today I am glad to me an Floridain . glad i live in Miami because on this historical day, the Florida system put away a bad person :) good bye his career (Ihope) :3 thank you FL for putting him away , Bye JB never liked you XD I'm 19 and still better ! bring on the hate!

  3. If a High Elf and Dark Elf had a child, would it be light gray skinned?

  4. If a High Elf and Dark Elf had a child, would it be light gray skinned?

  5. If a High Elf and Dark Elf had a child, would it be light gray skinned?

  6. If a High Elf and Dark Elf had a child, would it be light gray skinned?

  7. Must say me and Jade are working hard and swift on "GenXesis" which is turning out VERY great! debating on making a wiki or thread for it. Any ideas?

  8. Must say me and Jade are working hard and swift on "GenXesis" which is turning out VERY great! debating on making a wiki or thread for it. Any ideas?

  9. #IWantFeedBackForMy4.0DarkieHouse (Insipired by elder scrolls dark elves) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-8bwjFHlK3p2lhXC7WbtdPJ3YJeYGwjtt4IAZT2-1jM/edit#

  10. #IWantFeedBackForMy4.0DarkieHouse (Insipired by elder scrolls dark elves) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-8bwjFHlK3p2lhXC7WbtdPJ3YJeYGwjtt4IAZT2-1jM/edit#

  11. Thinking about writting a book of elven history, and have it tottally biased to khel's view-point. Do I hear a chorus of yes?

  12. My cat likes to watch videos of other cats http://i.imgur.com/BweIoqW.jpg

  13. Idea: Make "edgy" a swear word IG and have guard forces fine or lock people up for saying it.

  14. If only the white rose could see us now http://i.imgur.com/MhIyLAS.png

  15. Once I've conqoured and peacefully Held Ireland, what next?

  16. If only the white rose could see us now http://i.imgur.com/MhIyLAS.png

  17. I have too many games. But I don't know which one to play...

  18. need a illusion person to make my orc look like darkie thx

  19. http://i.imgur.com/ymPaAiD.png Slowly running outa room, added Leaporda, Frost Elf, High Elf, and Goblin :3 Two more races of Kha, what else? :O
  20. Oh my god, the hobbit, oh my god that movie oh my god. You. Have. To. See. It.

  21. Dear Sariants who stole my giant boat: Thank you, I didn't know what to do with it. *Is serious, no sarcasm*

  22. Dear Sariants who stole my giant boat: Thank you, I didn't know what to do with it. *Is serious, no sarcasm*

  23. What do you think the Nations should start off with in 4.0, if anything at all?

  24. Anyone a fan of Mass Effect?

  25. Anyone a fan of Mass Effect?

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