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Status Replies posted by Slic3man

  1. ...died inside the walls of Solace again. To a cave spider and blaze team. And because the blaze lit the ground on fire actually lost my important RP items. Again. Please fix the bloody mob spawning in towns, this is really pissing me off now. /rage

  2. Think the Salvus chunk just corrupted...

  3. Dat awkward moment when a flock of sheep decide to take residence in my attic.

  4. Still thinking about making that guild... But kinda in the Rp it all changed so might not work anymore =(.

  5. Ugh! No one is reading my application I've had it on for hours now!!

  6. Tripped down a full flight of stairs and managed to stay upright. Never underestimate the power of Yoga.

  7. Please don't simply -1 or +1 someone's post because it disagree/agrees with you. Its rep, not support.

  8. The need for tear ducts, is silly.

  9. VA posted. Waits 22 days. VA denied = *Manic laugh*

  10. The most epic RP moment just happened. Everyone in Salvus got high with some drug, and when I got high....I...kissed a girl. LESBIAN GOODNESS!

  11. Aww yea. 69 rep. /immaturity

  12. Aww yea. 69 rep. /immaturity

  13. I cast my magic spell upon you. (~-_-)~ ##### /(.□. \)

  14. Warned for trying to understand reason for ban report. Hrm.

  15. Warned for trying to understand reason for ban report. Hrm.

  16. Absolutely loving how mature some members of the app teams are about a post that holds nothing against them.

  17. Royal Guard for Salvus. Assassins, you best be scared

  18. Is bored of LoTC, and has nothing to do, and his also thinking whether to leave or re-roll. :(

  19. That moment when you have a stale bread fight against 3 other people.

  20. That moment when you have a stale bread fight against 3 other people.

  21. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

  22. Is it just me, or have the peacekeepers slowly become the Galahar guard incarnate.

  23. Is it just me, or have the peacekeepers slowly become the Galahar guard incarnate.

  24. Just lost all my money because of wezzyFTW getting banned and his banking idea. If GM would like to help or anything, it was a great idea so I hope someone else or me takes up the bank (if I had any money :( ))

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