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Status Replies posted by Slic3man

  1. So Ender Pearls are impossible to obtain now? Well there goes the very basis of my roleplay.

  2. Just went onto my facebook and this came up..........We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us........ Hack Facebook.. post dodgey status.. seems legit.. :P

  3. As her soft lips left his, the passion shared grew, it grew from petty love to passion... it grew from a speck to a star... that single kiss, it would raise all hell, and leave any in the way left for not... They loved each other, but the love for each of them... was wrong... A drow and an elf... never has anything of such been accepted. Heard of yes, but not accepted... She expected him dead... He expected her hatefull... But no.. they loved each other, and love conqured that. Nothing would ...

  4. I don't know what to do.

  5. Aylir: "Someone would have to shank Dahlia to make me that mad." Me and Rep at the same time: "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED."

  6. My dad starts his Chemo therapy soon. Won't see him for awhile :/

  7. Asulon Improvement Committee :[

  8. All of the good players are leaving.. was it because I came back? :(

  9. Weeber! change your avatar... Every time I look at it I jump in fear XD

  10. Accepted for 2B! Prepare for Kvothe - Hardcore Edition.

  11. Time to find a mountain or two .w.

  12. Don't go afk while drunk in-game. Threw my only diamond axe into my own fire.

  13. I'm actually thinking of leaving the server.. Need someone to slap me so the idea gets out of my head..

  14. Black screen when I log in :/

  15. Im in such a good mood. Nothing can bring me down now!!

  16. So you see a place where somebody has very obviously used X-Ray. Is that worth a modreq, or just shrug it off?

  17. Achievement get! Make a mark in history of lord of the craft

  18. A good new Mc name?

  19. Are mobs bugged or are spiders supposed to deal 5 hearts? :c

  20. Wants a VA but cant be bothered to write one, also i dont know what to do it about, im most likley going to do it to be able to become a orc officer, any body help?

  21. Just been arrested for killing a chicken on Skyrim >.>

  22. When you die, people always run for your items. But when you go back and ask them, they say they didn't pick up anything. And it was no war. When you leave home, don't be surprised if people plunder your chest. It's normal on this server.

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