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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Slic3man

  1. Yay, new mini-app for insanity, hope I can be able to get it. :D

  2. New idea on how to instill fear into souls of Asulon, must discuss with a GM first though. :3

  3. I was just about to run away with a orc head and helmet....

  4. Holy Crows... I'm expensive... I feel so... wanted... :P

  5. quickly where do I go to rant about something admins all need to know about?

  6. Last person to comment wins.

  7. My first LOTC-less night since october 2011 O.o

  8. Last person to comment wins.

  9. I have found the perfect example of powergaming! Think of the Yellow armored guy as a Powergamer and the ending is what we do to them!

  10. Last person to comment wins.

  11. Is the server down for anyone else?

  12. Whats up with the server? Why can I not get on?

  13. Hmm Time for a status game...... I'm thinking of a kind of bird... GUESS NOW

  14. Kill the DDOS Vaq

  15. Is the plague officially nonexistant, or is it still contractable? I've been thinking about killing my character off with it, he had it earlier and didn't get killed from it, perhaps it finally caught up to him? Or has it been eradicated?

  16. Yesterday someone was stabbed 5 times, and survived. What has this world come to?

  17. Yesterday someone was stabbed 5 times, and survived. What has this world come to?

  18. I own Coaster's wife.

  19. Why is it everyone I stab in the past becomes friends with me in the future?

  20. Still guarding solace's gate after 2 hours...

  21. So hyped, realised I received Planetside 2 invite, downloading now!

  22. ffs, getting drug tested today

  23. If Iron Man is a Stark, where is his Dire Wolf?

  24. There was once a young boy, who could not role play because he had to clean the house! Yet he took it in stride and brought his laptop with him so he could keep in touch with the ones he loves!

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